Variable Rate Search Results

How To: Save money by refinancing your mortgage

Just because fixed rate mortgage rates have dropped to historic lows doesn't mean that you should automatically refinance. With the economic climate you might not be able to refinance because many banks have tightened the rules for refinancing. As for who is eligible, you will need a 700-720 on your credit score to get the best rates. To refinance at all you need at least a 600. Generally it is worthwhile to refinance if you can save at least a half point off of your current rate. But you do ...

How To: Solve equations with algebraic variables on both sides

In basic algebraic equations all the variables are on left side of the equation. But as the complexity of the problems increases you will find that the equations will contain variables on both sides of the equation. To solve these kinds of problems first simplify the equations on each side of the equation. You can use the distributive law to do this. Next try to cancel the variable on the right side of equation by adding the negative value of that variable to both the sides of the equation. N...

How To: Add and subtract variables

Math Problem Generator gives a video about how to add and subtract variables. All you have to do is combine the coefficient, which is the number that comes before the variable. The numbers are added or subtracted but the variable remains the same. In the video, the example given is 9x + 6x - x. First you add 9x + 6x, giving you 15x. The equation is now 15x - x. If a variable has no number written in front of it, that means the value is 1. So the equation is 15x - 1x and that is equal to 14x.

How To: Graph and solve linear inequalities in two variables

From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps (or just finish your homework or study for that next big test). With this installment from Internet pedagogical superstar Salman Khan's series of free math tutorials, you'll learn how to graph and solve linear inequalities in two variables in algebra.

How To: Find a formula describing direct variation

In this video the instructor shows how to find a formula describing direct variation between two variables. Variation between two variables can be either direct variation or indirect variation. If a variable y is in direct variation with a variable x we can write the general equation between them as y = k * x. That is as x varies, y varies directly in relation to x, as a multiple of x. Now if you have the values of y and x, you can substitute them in this general equation which gives you the ...

How To: Solve a quadratic equation

In this video the instructor shows how to solve a quadratic equation. If you have a quadratic equation with complex fractional terms and you find that a particular term is repeating then equate that term to a new variable and replace the variable in the given equation. Now try to get the equation a*x*x + b*x + c = 0, and solve for the roots of the equation which gives the values of the intermediate variable. But this variable was replaced instead of another term. So equate that term to the va...

How To: Isolate a variable

If you're struggling a bit with algebra, check out this video to learn how to isolate a variable. Isolating a variable is a matter of separating and simplifying.

How To: Simplify a radical expression including variables

Want to simplify a radical expression with algebraic variables? See how it's done with this free video algebra lesson. From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps (or just study for that next big test).

How To: Use variables and strings when programming in Python 2

In this clip, you'll learn the ins and outs of using variables and strings when writing code in Python 2. Whether you're new to the Python Software Foundation's popular general purpose programming language or a seasoned developer looking to better acquaint yourself with the features and functions of Python 2, you're sure to benefit from this free video programming lesson. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this video guide.

How To: Create a two-variable data table in Microsoft Excel

New to Microsoft Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly useful as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this MS Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 255th installment in their series of digital spreadsheet magic tricks, you'll learn how to create a two-variable data table in Excel for what-if analysis. See the PMT function and learn about the formula equivalent to a data table.

How To: Communicate between Flash AS3 and PHP

All the files you need are in a free download on DevelopPHP. PHP has to be on a server. It will not run on a local machine. Type your name. There are two variables which show up in the dialog boxes (which are stacked.) You can change the user name. It sets up a URL request and a URL loader and sends some URL variables and are placed into the value of names and pairs. They get posted to the PHP file. Place the URL reference location of where the PHP files are on your server in the line that sa...

How To: Solve inequalities with mixed and negative variables

Not all inequalities are created equal. See how to solve three of the most common types with this free video algebra lesson, which discusses regular, negative and mixed-variable inequalities. From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps (or just finish your homework or study for that next big test).

How To: Work with exponential growth functions in mathematics

Exponential functions are functions which contains terms which are integers raised to the power of variables. Note that the variables are not raised to the power of integers, but the integers are raised to the power of variables. Variables raised to the power of integers are called as polynomials and are a different class of functions. But exponential functions grow very fast than polynomials with the increase in the value of the variable. To understand the growth of these functions take a si...

How To: Simplify radical expressions

In this video the instructor shows who to simplify radicals. If you have a term inside a square root the first thing you need to do is try to factorize it. First factorize the numerical term. Write down the numerical terms as a product of any perfect squares. Now split the original radical expression in the form of individual terms of different variables. Now you can pull out the perfect square numerical factors out of the radical. Similarly for the variable terms write the variables as power...

How To: Solve a system of equations with the comparison method

In this video tutorial the instructor shows how to solve equations by the comparison method. In this method he isolates either the x or y variables in both the equations and now compares the other side of equations directly to derive the value of the other variable. Now this derived value of the variable can be used by substituting it in one of the original variables to derive the value of the other variable. He goes on and shows how to do this with an example by solving it. This video gives ...

How To: Combine like terms

In order to combine like terms, you need to look at the variables. Terms can only be combined if the variables are all identical. The first thing that you would have to do is look for matching variables. In the example, x + 2x5 + y2 - 9x - 2x5 + 5y2, you should try to see which ones match. Then, group them together. Match the x's with the x's and the y's with y's. Therefore x - 9x = - 8x. 2x5 - 2x5 = 0. Y2 + 5y2 = 6y2.

How To: Solve 3 equations with 3 variables

You can solve 3 equations having 3 variables. Here are the 3 equation examples: x+2y+z=10. 2x-y+3z=-5. 2x-3y-5z=27. The goal is to reduce to 2 equations having 2 variables. Multiply bottom equation by (-1). Rewrite 2nd and 3rd equation. 2x-y+3z=-5. Add -2x+3y+5z+-27. Equals 2y+8z=-32. Go back to original equations and multiply by (-2). Then you have -2x -4-2z=-20. plus 2x -y +3z. When you add these 2 equations, the answer is -5y +z = -25. You have now reduced the equations from 3 equations do...

How To: Solve direct & inverse variation word problems

In this video the instructor teaches about direct and inverse variation. Two variables x and y are said to be in direct variation with each other if you can write them in the form y = K * x. The value of y varies directly corresponding to the value of x. Y is said to be directly proportional to x. If you have a sample value of x and y, you can substitute the values in the above equation to compute the value of the constant K. Using this formula you can always find the value of one variable x ...

How To: Solve an algebraic equation with a fractional variable

Could you use some help figuring out how to solve equations involving fractions in basic algebra? See how it's done with this free video math lesson. Need help finding the From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps (or just finish your homework or study for that next big test). With this installment from Internet ...

How To: Multiply variables with rational exponents in algebra

Looking for a primer on how to multiply varibles with rational exponents? Look no further. This free video algebra lesson will show you how it's done. From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps (or just study for that next big test).

How To: Work with continuous random variables in calculus

Looking for a primer on how to work with BRIEF probability density functions and continuous random variables in calculus? Learn how with this free video calc lesson. From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps (or just finish your homework or study for that next big test).

How To: Make a variable length argument list for Java

Want to program your own Java games and applications but don't know beans about object-oriented programming? Never you fear. This free video tutorial from TheNewBoston will have you coding your own Java apps in no time flat. Specifically, this lesson discusses how to make a variable-length argument list when writing code in Java. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this helpful programmer's guide.

How To: Use a "do while loop" for Java programming

Learn how to use a 'do while loop' in your Java programming. 1. Set up an 'int' variable named 'counter' and assign it a '0' value. 2. Set up a standard 'do' loop. Make sure to add a counter, so the loop will end 3. Then write the 'while' condition. Make sure that you set the condition to the same variable name that you used in the counter from step 2. Set the variable to '=' 10 (or any number desired)

How To: Solve an equations for x

This video demonstrates how to solve algebraic equations of the first degree for the variable, "X"; in other words, the variables contained in these equations are not raised to any power other than one, which is implicit. The video starts out with an example of such an algebraic equation. Before beginning to solve the equation, the video explains the meaning of the equals sign, the definition of an equation, and what a variable is. Next the video explains what is meaning by "solving for X". T...

How To: Solve an algebraic equation

Math can be tricky, especially when you're trying to decipher algebra. It's a love-hate thing; if you don't love math, then you hate it, and there's no in-between. But it doesn't have to be a pain to solve a few problems. It's actually quite simple once you figure it out. An algebraic equation is an equation that includes one or more variables. These equations can be solved as long as the number of variables does not exceed the number of equations.

How To: Massage data in Houdini 10

Get a crash course on HScript Expressions, Variables, and Attributes in Houdini 10. If you don't even know what this means, then you probably need to check this video tutorial series out. Understanding how to massage data in Houdini is key to giving yourself the creative edge and allowing you to unleash mind-blowing visual effects. This 18-part video series covers a variety of simple yet essential weapons in your arsenal including Global, Standard and Custom Variables to Math and String Modif...

How To: Install the Java Development Kit to start programming

If you want to learn how to program in the Java language, then the first thing you're going to need to do is download and install the JDK. That stands for Java Development Kit, and is the basis for anyone begging in Java, and you need it to get the Javac (Java compiler) running. This video will show you what to do, and will show you how to set a new variable name and value in the Environment Variables under Advanced System Settings on your Windows PC.

How To: Simplify fractions with variables in basic algebra

Need help reducing fractions containing algebraic variables? Learn how with this free video lesson. From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps (or just finish your homework or study for that next big test).

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