Varied Reasons Search Results

How To: Fish using a jerk bait

One of the most important features on the jerk bait is the front end diving lip which is used to make the lure dive deeper in the water when the jerk bait is pulled by the fishing rod. There is one more very important feature involved in using this jerk bait. It is the "pause" and "jerk" motion of the lure. This action should be performed after the line is fully cast out and fully under the water and all of the slack left in the fishing line is reeled in and gone. The reason for the "pause" i...

How To: Make your Sony Vegas video look like film

For various reasons — ranging from lens type to the frame rate to the storage medium —, footage shot with a camcorder doesn't really look anything like what one would see in a Hollywood film. However, with a little bit of work and a touch of post-production, you can make your consumera camera footage look a lot more like a commerically shot project.

How To: Find the area of a trapezoid

Get help with your math homework and learn to find the area of a trapezoid by watching this video. Following along while four examples are solved, the viewer will learn how to calculate the area when all the required measurements are given and will learn to calculate distance of one side when the area of the trapezoid is known. If you are learning about measurement in school or are trying to find the areas of a trapezoid for another reason (maybe you are carpeting an oddly shaped room), this ...

How To: Multiply integers for beginners

In this introductory how - to video for pre-algebra, the lesson is simple and clear. You will learn the four basic rules for multiplying positive and negative numbers. You will be able to see the rules on the video screen and you will see two examples written on the white board. The video is short and only the basic explanation is given so you will not get lost in all the reasons behind the rules. This is a great video if you need a reminder on the rules for multiplication of positive and neg...

How To: Clean your grill

Keep your grill clean for both health and taste reasons. When it builds up old crust it will give off a burned flavor and the blackened bits create carbon, a carcinogen. With a clean grate, you'll get those gorgeous charred cross marks -- the sign of a healthy grill.

How To: Strip insulated copper wire for electronics

This video tutorial explains how to strip insulated wire the right way. You'll learn how to adjust your wire strippers to make the process easier. Some people don't even use wire strippers, they use a knife or maybe even their teeth, but this causes nicks in the copper. To get the insulation off with ease and without gouges in the copper wire, use the proper sized wire strippers and adjust them right to fit the gauge of your wire. It's as simple as that. You don't need to go to vocational sch...

How To: How Do You Know if You Can or Should Start a Business Part 2 of 3

Starting a business has to involve a desire to benefit someone else other than you. If all your reasons for starting a business are to benefit you, chances are good that you have missed the big picture. At least one reason you have to want to stat a business needs to be to help someone else. Either use proceeds from the business to help a charity of your choice or to solve a problem or provide a solution to a need for the target group that your business serves. Focus on one issue to start wit...

How To: Work with layers in Photoshop

Pixel Perfect is the "perfect" show to help you with your Photoshop skills. Be amazed and learn as master digital artist Bert Monroy takes a stylus and a digital pad and treats it as Monet and Picasso do with oil and canvas. Learn the tips and tricks you need to whip those digital pictures into shape with Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. In this episode, Ben shows you how to work with layers in Photoshop.

How To: Use Samsung's New Quick Share Feature to 'AirDrop' Large Files

Despite Samsung's long running support for Wi-Fi Direct, most users still struggle to transfer files between their devices. Whereas Apple has AirDrop, Samsung's previous solution wasn't so obvious. With the Galaxy S20 and Galaxy Z Flip, Samsung hopes to correct this with "Quick Share," a file transfer system that still uses Wi-Fi Direct but makes it easier to use.

Chef's Quick Tip: Char Your Citrus for Extra Flavor

We're a little citrus-obsessed, and with good reason: lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruit: Mother Nature really packed those babies with flavor, from peel (which you can zest without special tools) to juice. Now executive chef Amanda Freitag of Empire Diner has come up with a way to make those lemons and limes give up even more flavor by applying a lot of heat.

How To: Hack and control anyone's webcam using Google

Consider this reason 1,001 why we love the internet: Using Google, you can hack into almost any webcam or security cam, in any part of the world and even control the webcam to move around so you can get your full panoramic shot. Don't believe us? Then check out this video tutorial to learn the steps you need to take.

How To: Take pictures with a T-Mobile myTouch 4G smartphone

Use your [/topic/myTouch-4G] myTouch 4G as a digital camera! With the phone's built-in 5 megapixel camera, there's no reason not to. This clip will teach you everything you'll need to know. Whether you're the proud owner of a T-Mobile myTouch 4G Google Android smartphone or are merely toying with the idea of picking one up sometime in the near future, you're sure to be well served by this brief, official video tutorial from the folks at T-Mobile. For complete instructions, watch the video!

How To: Ice letters with buttercream icing

In this video techniques are shown to add ice letters using only butter cream icing. The reason butter cream icing is used is because of the ease of use when writing ice letters. Once your icing bag has been filled with the butter cream icing you must make sure all air has been removed from the bag before beginning. having your desert item on a turn table makes writing with butter cream much easier. Keeping a steady hand and moving at a slow place will give you the best result. The narrator e...

How To: Stop procrastinating and boost your productivity

In this tutorial, we learn how to stop procrastinating and boost your productivity. If you are someone who likes to put things off until the last minute, you should watch this video! To help you get over doing this, you should start a calendar! When you boost your productivity you will no longer procrastinate and get a lot of things done. This may not seem like a good idea, but it will help you be a happier person. You can also write out a list, which will help you stay accountable for what y...

How To: Delete a Yahoo account permanently

If you ever want to delete your Yahoo Account for any reason, the option to do so is not easily available on the site.In fact, many people do not even know that such a feature exists. However, this video shows the necessary steps required to do so. Of course, you need to know your login ID and password. The process starts with signing into your Yahoo account using your login information. The second step consists of clicking a link as shown in the video. this opens the account termination page...

How To: Create an inflatable origami cube for beginners

This origami project is fun if for no other reason than we get to blow into it at the end of folding and turn it from flat to so phat (sorry). This origami cube is simple and quick to make and is a great introductory project for origami beginners who are looking to increase their finger prowess.