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How To: Give a hand massage

This three and a half minute video talks through the basics of hand massage. With close-ups of the action, the instructor talks through the basic technique and progression for hand massage, providing details and emphasis. All the various strokes are covered: stretching strokes, circular compression, squeezing and kneading. There's no lotion or special materials you need - just your hands, and the hands of a lucky subject. If you want to learn a new way to please your friends or partner, take ...

How To: Use "live" as a verb & adjective in English

Paul, an English teacher, gives a lesson on the difference between the word "live" as a verb and as an adjective. To make to "v" sound when saying the word, the lower lip has to touch the teeth. "Live" as verb is an action, so you say "I live in Minneapolis". The singular form is "live," and the plural form is "lives". Live" as an adjective is a describing word, so you say "Live TV is fun". "Live"" as an adjective describes the subject of a sentence. "Live" as an adjective can mean something ...

How To: Break a yardstick with atmospheric pressure

This video shows you how to break a yardstick with atmospheric pressure. The instructor first lays a ruler halfway on and off of a table. He then covers half the ruler with newspaper. The instructor states that you can chop the ruler in half with your hand because the air holding down the paper will keep the ruler in place. The experiment does work correctly and he did break it in half perfectly. This instructor seems to have many similar videos on the subject.

How To: Create a ghost effect in Photoshop

To manipulate photos and turn someone in a photo into a ghost, there are several filters that can be used in Photoshop. This video takes us through the steps of how to take an ordinary picture and turn the subject into a supernatural being using the motion blur technique and the diffuse glow filters among others to alter an image. The best types of pictures to use are ones where the background is relatively dark. By following these simple steps in Photoshop, you can turn anyone in an ordinary...

How To: Create a photo cutout in Photoshop

To add drama to a photo and create some additional pop, this video tutorial shows how to create a photo cutout using Photoshop software. What you need to do is determine what subject in a photo you would like to cut out. Using a cutout and multiple layers, the final impact is an effect that makes the cutout appear as though it is extending beyond the photo's boundaries and into white space. By following these steps, you can create additional interest or emphasize a certain part of a photo usi...

How To: Share and print photos with HP Snapfish

This video describes how to import pictures from a digital camera onto your computer and use them in various ways. Simply plug in a flash drive with your stored pictures and they will immediately load onto your computer. Once this is done, you can share your pictures on Snapfish by opening the program and using its various programs. Within the program you can print your images, share, or even create gifts such as posters and mugs with your uploaded pictures. If you would like any more informa...

How To: Understand the physics of waves: true story of Roswell

In this three-part video, learn about the events surrounding the newspaper article in Roswell New Mexico 1947 regarding crashed flying saucers. The story has to do with nuclear weapons, the second world war, government lies and the movement of sound waves. See how the evnst of Roswell tie in with physics of waves with help from host, Professor Richard Muller of Berkeley University.

How To: Understand reduction & oxidation in Chemistry

Curious about reduction & oxidation? In this two-part episode of The Science Catalyst hosted by Barry Lambson, the subject of Chemistry, reduction & oxidation is gone over with iron powder and copper sulphate. Oxidation and reduction are heavily related which is why they are both considered "redox reactions". Acids and bases may be thought of as reactions involving hydrogen, or protons, while redox reactions tend to be concerned with electron gain and loss.

How To: Make someone look like a punk by giving them a fake eybrow piercing

Want to prank a friend by making them look like a punk? Or get revenge by showing the picture to their parents? Or maybe you just want to see what you would look like wiht an eyebrow piercing yourself. Start with a photo of your subject, one with the eyebrow prominently shown, and then follow the steps in this tutorial to add a fake eyebrow piercing using the tools and techniques in Adobe Photoshop.

How To: Photograph a pregnant mom

In this video, we learn how to photograph a pregnant mom. Try taking a shot of the woman outside, this will feature her stomach and show off the glow of her skin as well. Process it after you have taken the photo to edit it further. Drape a sheet around the woman as well, which is a really popular photo technique as well. Take fun shots with your partner, animals, other children, and around the house! The camera can focus on different things to show multiple subjects in the scene. Be creative...

How To: Build a robot that scribbles on paper

This video explains how to build a robot with the basic ability to scribble on paper. The narrator gives website addresses for more examples on completed robots and various information on the subject. The Robot is built using a plastic cups and wooden sticks for legs and support. A motor is then attached to a wooden stick which is then attached to the top of the plastic cup. One nine volt battery is needed to power the motor. Once the battery has been attached to the motor you must attach the...

How To: Use present tense of Spanish AR verbs

In this video, we learn how to speak Spanish using present tense AR verbs. "Nosotros" means "we", "nosotras" means we as well, it's just talking about a female while the other is talking about a male. Common "ar" verbs include: necesitar, patinar, practicar, terminar, tocar, trabajar, nadar, hablar. These mean (in order): to need, to skate, to practice, to fish, to play, to work, to swim, and to talk. When you are talking about a male, female, or group of people you need to change the last pa...

How To: Shoot deceptive & multiple camera angles

This video tutorial is in the Film & Theater category which will show you how to shoot deceptive and multiple camera angles. Camera and shooting techniques can add to the magic of your videos along with some simple special effects. One of the techniques is called the Zolly. It adds drama by creating a disorienting visual effect to the viewer. By zooming out a camera while using a dolly to move in, the subject stands out as separated from the background and appears to be floating towards the c...

How To: Understand melodic rhythm & lyric rhythm

In this video, we learn how to understand melodic rhythm and lyric rhythm. First, say your lyrics out loud talking, instead of singing them to see how they speak out loud. You want your lyrics to sound the same in the song as you would if you were singing them. Try to change the tone of words to change up how it sounds while you are singing it. You will see that it makes a big difference when you sing it. When you do this, you will take the the preposition off as the big spotlight note and pu...

How To: Create fiber art journal pages or fabric books

In this tutorial, we learn how to create fiber art journal pages with Elin Waterston. First, think about the theme of your book then layout what theme you want for your book. This will carry out through your entire book, so choose something that works. Stick text onto the fabric, then add stitching to help the fabrics to stay together. This journal is a fun project to do by yourself or with other artists. Make sure you unify your book with the subject and take your time in making the theme ti...

How To: Use vignettes with Lightroom

This video tutorial is in the software category where Kerry Garrison will show you how to use vignettes with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. By this you can remove the dark corners in a photo created by some zoom lenses. Select the photo, kick in the vignettes and fade out the corners focusing on the main subject matter. For this, select 'lens correction' on the right hand side and with the help of the sliders apply the vignettes. You have the choice of applying either a light or a dark vignette. ...

How To: Photograph with a point & shoot camera

In this tutorial, we learn how to photograph with a point and shoot camera. If you have dark light on the face, make sure you turn flash on your light and make sure it turns on to even out the lighting that's on the face. One of the easiest ways to shoot outside without using flash is to put someone in the shade. If the light source is coming from straight ahead, you will have the best lighting available. This will isolate where your light is coming from, and will work out better if it's not ...

How To: Take professional digital photos at night

Taking professional photographs at night poses a whole new set of problems relative to taking pictures during the day. This four-part video is here to help, in great detail. It covers several topics, including subject selection, tools necessary, deterring depth of field, and all of the other things that you will have to do to take really good-looking photos at night.

How To: Execute a basic 3 point lighting setup

One popular way to use light in photography is with a three point lighting setup. In this tutorial, learn how to set up three point lights in portrait photography and get the most flattering shot of your subject. There is an art to making people look good and proper lighting is very important. So, if you have your equipment and are ready to start assembling it all, have a look at this instructional clip and follow the step by step to get started.

How To: Do basic photography lighting setups

Lighting is very important to photography. The proper lighting can make your subject or scene appear in a totally new way. Whether you are adding, or eliminating shadow, using light to manipulate the way something looks, or just setting up for a flattering portrait, you will need to know some light basics. In this tutorial, Mark will show you how to set up lighting for a fantastic picture. You will learn seven different setups to make sure you have the right arrangement for your particular ne...

How To: Build frequency tables & histogram charts in MS Excel

Whether you're interested in learning Microsoft Excel from the bottom up or just looking to pick up a few tips and tricks, you've come to the right place. In this tutorial from everyone's favorite digital spreadsheet guru, ExcelIsFun, the 31st installment in his "Highline Excel Class" series of free video Excel lessons, you'll learn how to build frequency tables and simple histogram charts in Microsoft Excel. Specifically, this video addresses the following subjects:

How To: Email photos from your iPhone

In this Electronics video tutorial you will learn how to Email photos from your iPhone. This is really very easy and simple to do and takes practically no time. On your iPhone go to the camera icon and tap on it. Then find a picture that you want to email. Then tap on the little icon on the lower left of the screen as shown in the video and then select email photo. Then you put in you want to send the photo to, type in a subject and add some text if you want. And the final step is to tap ‘s...

How To: Relate the information on your camera to the lens

This is a video tutorial showing its audience how to relate the information that is displayed on your camera lens to your actual camera. The first step is to grab your camera and begin studying your lens. Next look at the mm reading on your lens and the aperture reading. These settings will assist you with setting your depth of field. Next look for your focus ring. Your focus ring will allow you to focus your photos in manual mode. Next look for the focus reading, this will tell you how far a...

How To: Use plastic row covers & wall of water for plants

This video demonstrates how to use plastic row covers and wall of water to start plants early. A lot of gardeners want to start their planting early if the weather is nice. But they may be subject to some frost still yet. How can they protect their plants? First is a demonstration of how to use a spun bond polyester like material. It is breathable, rather than using clear plastic, so the plants don't cook on warmer days. Then the video shows how to use a wall of water to start a few plants ea...

How To: Use the GmailThis! bookmarklet

The bookmarklet tool lets you send Gmail messages with the click of a button so you don't have to visit your Gmail account. It's an application called GmailThis! From the developer's website, drag the GmailThis! link to the browser's toolbar. Then, if you are already logged into Gmail, just click on the bookmark and a Gmail applet will pop up with a link to the website you were visiting, along with any text you may have been highlighting. You may notice that the subject line is already filled...

How To: Use Sekonic light meters to balance flash and ambience

In this episode of Digital Photography 1-on-1, host Mark Wallace goes in depth on the subject of light metering and flash balancing. Making use of a Sekonic light meter, Mark shows how to read the light levels in a room, and explains how to interpret those readings in order to adjust flash levels, ISO levels, and alternative light source manipulation. Mark also goes over the important roles that aperture settings and film speeds play when attempting to successfully balance flash and ambient l...

How To: Key out a green screen background in Final Cut Pro

Let FiveSprockets help you get rid of the green screen effect in your videos and add great backgrounds to your movies at home! By using the Final Cut Pro program, follow along as you set your green screen clip in the display. From there you select the Effects, then Video Filter and follow it down into the Key menu. Grab the eyedropper and select the green color and make it fade away with just a few simple clicks. You can crop out any areas that didn't fade away, or use the softening tool to f...

How To: Make a animated banner for MySpace in Photoshop

The video explains how to make a animated banner in photoshop. The narrator explains step by step how to create the banner, what colors he used in the banner and the width and length of it as well. He also shows other techniques that he used to create the banner. The video is about ten minutes long and is very informational for those interested in creating animated banners for their website. The narrator has other instructional videos on the same subject as well.

How To: Shoot architecture photography

This 5 minute video covers the basics of photographing architecture using Nikon equipment. It gives good basic explanation of basic lessons in architecture photography, including selecting a proper position and distance to either provide or avoid distortion as desired, selecting the proper lens, selecting the film speed for indoor photographs, and how this may affect your choice to use a triPod, and even how to use Nikon's software to correct or adjust photographs after they've been taken. If...

How To: Write an abstract for your research paper

Danby Taylor from the University of Maryland University College teaches how to write an abstract research paper for graduate school Analyze the things that you read so you can extract the essential information such as the goal or the purpose of the reading in your own sentence. Learn the methods or ways of how the author studied the subject and reached the results of the study. Pay attention to details and write in a block paragraph, without indentations. Write one or two sentences about each...

How To: Replace washing machine hoses & why

This video explains to the viewer the advantages of replacing washing machine hoses. As well as, rather more importantly, explaining how to complete the process. According to the creator the rubber hoses that are standard to most washing machines are subjected to high pressure water for many years. As they are only made of rubber they are apt to break and start leaking. This can cause many thousands of dollars worth of water damage. The creator recommends replacing the rubber pipes with reinf...

How To: Blend color in images in Photoshop

Simon Plant of shows how to use Photoshop to blend colors in images. He uses a photo of his son standing in front of Stonehenge to take us through each layer of the photo to alter the levels of hues, saturation, and opacity. The key to blending colors is a matter of playing with different hues and saturation levels in Photoshop to get the subject in the foreground to match the background. Follow Plant's thorough tutorial to find out how to get professional looking photos ...