Vehicle Weight Search Results

News: Is Streetview Coming to Apple Maps? NYC May Hold the Answer

Apple Maps. For years now, its reputation has been that of a punchline. Although Apple and Google battle for supremacy in most hardware and software categories, in the map game there's no question who has the superior app. But the news of the day shows Apple expanding the cities it plans on collecting street data from, opening up speculation that they're not ready to throw in the towel on Apple Maps.

When Uber & Lyft Go Driverless: Why Transportation as a Service Means You Might Never Own a Car Again

The private automobile has been an intrinsic part of our lives for around a hundred years. But over the last decade, car sharing has gained a very small but growing part of the mobility market. The more recent rise of companies like Uber and Lyft is witness to a more dramatic shift in mobility and car ownership. Private vehicle ownership to a transportation-as-a-service model has already started, and high capability SAE Level 4 vehicles will complete this trend.

News: HoloLens Can Give Tank Crews 360-Degree X-Ray Vision on Missions

As a commercial and potentially consumer product, one might assume it very unlikely to see the Microsoft HoloLens in the military marketplace. And that assumption would be completely wrong. One company from the Ukraine is currently working on using the mixed reality head-mounted computer for 360-degree vision inside armored tanks. If a tank crew could see the entire battlefield there are in, they would likely have a better chance of accomplishing their mission and avoiding damage. Tanks are l...

How To: Fix Broken Plastic Tabs on Bumper

A common problem on bumper covers is that the tabs that attach the bumper to the car get broken. This is critical, as this is what secures and aligns the bumper cover. Many times, a broken tab is all that is wrong with the bumper cover. With the cost of these plastic parts $200 to $700, the replacement cost can break the bank.

How To: Explore the Kennedy Space Center Online with Google Street View

With all the excitement over the Mars rover landing this weekend, you might also want to know that Google has gotten their cameras into the Kennedy Space Center for their largest collection of Street View imagery to date. In total, the explorable facility totals 6,000 panoramic views. The views include the space shuttle launch pad, the towering Vehicle Assembly Building, and a up-close and personal view of a space shuttle's main engine.

How To: Do dip exercises to workout your triceps and pectoral muscles

Dips are great exercises, in or out of the gym, and are easily done. They're the perfect exercise for working out your triceps brachii and pectoralis muscles. This also works out a secondary muscle— the deltoids. THe beginner to intermediate exercise is a great way to work all three muscles. All you need to do this exercise is the vertical knee raise towers which most gyms have. For those who are new to this exercise and are unable to lift themselves, you can use the weight assistance to buil...

How To: Do 20 warm-up exercises to build heat

Whether you're preparing for a thirty minute bout of interval running or for an intense weight lifting session, warming up is vital to building heat in your body so your joints are lubricated and there is less of a chance of injury. Warming up before exercising also boosts your metabolism so you get your heart rate up early and burn more calories during your workout.

How To: Do bench-dip exercises to increase your arm strength and size

If you are one of the smaller kids in school, you know that sometimes you have to exert yourself a little bit more to get noticed for your athleticism. There will always be better athletes than you, but only if you don't apply yourself. Weight training is the best way to bulk up and this exercise, called the bench dip, will beef you up by working out your biceps muscles. It's a great workout to increase your arm size.

How To: Do a pec pump chest workout to gain muscle for advanced bodybuilders

If you've ever seriously committed to an exercise program (so we don't mean hitting the gym a week in a row because of vacation guilt and then stopping entirely), then you'reknow what happens after doing the same round of exercises a few times: You plateau. It's super frustrating because you know you're trying your hardest, but what happens is your muscles go into maintence mode and are adjusting to your exercises, so they don't have to work as hard. How do you still gain muscle and keep losi...

How To: Burn fat with a plyometric weight loss routine

How do you amp up your current cardio/strength training routine to make sure you burn extra calories and shed extra fat? By jumping. Though jumping sounds easy, after you try this routine and repeat it a few times we'd be surprised if you weren't completely winded and sweaty. Do these exercises after your usual routine to really kick things up:

How To: Serve a tennis ball with some basic rules

In this how to video, you will learn how to serve a tennis ball. Start off with an eastern forehand grip. You can pretend to shake hands with the racket to find this grip. The knuckle of the index finger should be on top of the handle. Make sure your stance is sideways to the net and the feet are shoulder width apart. Your foot should point at 1 o'clock. The back foot should be parallel to the base line. Your racket should start at pointed towards the net. The first step of the swing involves...

How To: Make a hummingbird feeder & food

Catching sight of a hummingbird floating from flower to flower is one of those rare gifts from nature. In this quick and easy guide, use a little bit of science and learn how to make a hummingbird feeder that will attract all the birds in the yard.

How To: Choose a bicycle helmet

In this how-to video, you will learn how to choose a proper bicycle helmet. They are the most important safety equipment a cyclist owns. Picking the right helmet starts with understanding what a helmet consists of. The micro shell is the thin tough layer that covers and protects the interior of the helmet. It absorbs the impacts of the helmet. The adjustable retention system consists of 2 straps. The chin strap goes across your chin and the other goes across the back of your head. The vents a...

How To: Build a samurai katana sword out of cardboard

The katana (also known as the samurai sword) originated in Japan's Muromachi period (1392–1573). These curved blades are known worldwide for their elegance and craftsmanship. But if you can't afford your own antique model you can create your own reproduction using junk you've probably already got in your garage.