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News: How-To-Maintain your PC

INTRODUCTION The everyday PC user doesn't think much about its PC and problems that can cause critical damage to their data or other stuffs stored on Hard drive and other electronic parts until the problem actually occurs. Once a failure happens, the repairs can be costly and very time-consuming and one also have to sacrifice their data stored on hard drives if the damage is more severe!

News: Hit N' Run

Hey guys, here is two small pranks you can do. Act dead in public. With blood and everything... go all out. Or go to a pubic pool and dive in with blood in your mouth and act like you hit the bottom of the pool. But here is the big one i thught of...have a cast member drive a ca into another car and have him fall out of the car get up and start running and yelling stuff... like i didnt do that... But what doesnt know is that the rest of the crew contacted the local cops and fire department ha...

How To: Enjoy Baking Yeast Bread

Baking bread might feel intimidating in advance. The fear to screw it up can make one chicken out and instead keep buying bread as usual at the store. Personally, I am very picky about which bread to eat, and learned over time that home baked bread bits them all when made properly.

News: Kizeme

Kizeme This Japanese word, kizeme, means "spirit of attack." It is said of Miyamoto Musashi, the famed Japanese swordsman, that as he grew older he relied more on kizeme to defeat adversaries and, as a result, emerged victorious from challenges without taking the life of his opponent.

How To: It's How You Play The Game

"Life is difficult." That's how Scott Peck's best-selling book, "The Road Less Travelled", begins. That life is difficult is not news. Over two-thousand years ago the Buddha said it too: Life is suffering. The sanskrit word the Buddha used for suffering is dukkha. Dukkha doesn't refer to physical pain, necessarily. It refers to something more akin to our English word 'dissatisfaction'. Adages abound in our language which attest to the universality of dissatisfaction in our daily lives. "The g...

News: My Name is Kira, and I'm an Addict...

...a FarmVille addict, that is. Poor Kira is just one of many who pours way too much time and money into their virtual Facebook homesteads. Zynga’s FarmVille is the most popular of the many Facebook web games. In fact, it attracts more than 75 million players monthly.

News: OMG. Surf then touch a Bigass Whale at Westwards

This one smells like a fish story.  It is not.  Tuesday April 13, Dave and I got up to surf westward at 7 in the morning.  First rate waves.  Headache cold water....sun blocked by the cliffs.  Fast, clean, beach break.  3-4 foot sets, mostly lefts.  About 15 dolphins swam by.  Blase blase.  We always see dolphins.  But then some bigass whale with barnacles breaches.  We are speechless.  It is about 20 feet from us. We follow it for about thirty seconds and pinch ourselves.  Have-you-ever?  No...

News: 2009's Wackiest Inventions

As 2009 comes to a close, the Telegraph presents a compilation of this past year's wackiest inventions. As always, here at WonderHowTo, we are inspired and impressed by ingenuity. The contraptions below range from utter silliness (engagement ring bra) to downright amazing (see-through concrete). Check it out.

News: Drugs in Car

Go to a car dealership and test drive a car. Unbeknownst to the person test driving a car, stuff a bunch of fake drugs everywhere in the car and have the car salesman be an actor. Have the person test driving the car start to drive wrecklessly. A fake cop will pull him over and 'smell' something in the car. He takes your license and goes back to his car to run it. He comes back and says everything is okay and just to be more careful. Just before you are about to leave, the salesman looks susp...

News: Funeral

Get someone tied up inside a coffin. Drive around in a hearse and make sure the coffin falls off the back. As people help put it back in the car, make the person tied up jump out and run off, half naked.

News: Car Troubles

Okay, so you take an office chair to a car repair shop. Tell them you will need them to repair your broken tire. They will look at you like you are an idiot. Tell them it's your vehicle and you need it to get to point A to point B. When they tell you they can't help you, demand to see their boss. Be completely serious the entire time, cry for more affects. Do all this dressed as either a homeless person on a business man. This is a pretty stupid prank idea but if you guys did it, it would be ...


a crew member will dress as a giant hot dog and drive to random places in a giant weiner car. while holding a hot dog and walking a weiner dog which is also dressed as a hot dog he will ask random people if they love weiners. the redundancy is hiarious!!! also the member dressed as a hot dog will have a hot dog sticking out of the weiner suit. thats a total OF 6 WEINERS

News: Snow Car

in a hot area have everyone dressed in snow cloths and pick a random car parked on the street and get a snow blower and start blowing snow all over it and around it and have everyone start playing in the snow in the middle of the streat and dont move for any cars passing on the streat and start building snow men in the street and having snow ball fights and making snow angels in the street and gerneraly just start fu**ing with people. and if and when they get pissed enough to drive through th...

News: Designated Decoy

This will be a prank on cops. You've heard of a designated driver, right? Well this is the designated decoy.Have. a bunch of guys at a bar or club, somewhere that has cops outside looking for drunks. Have a group of people walk out of the bar and have one of the guys look completely drunk, stumbling and slurring. Make sure the cops see him walk up to his car. He'll be trying over and over trying to put his keys in the car to unlock it. He'll drop them, scratch his car and shit. He'll finally ...

News: Do the Do!

We are embarking upon a new year. As usual, some of us will make "resolutions." There isn't anything wrong with setting goals for the year. It's actually a good idea. It may help focus the energy we bring to life.

News: Pregnant Lady in a Car

Go to a car dealership dressed as a pregnant woman and ask to test drive a nice car. Once in the car start chatting with the car salesman and suddenly pretend to feel pain and start fake contractions. Pull over the car and start screaming. Make the salesman feel scared and worry about the car. Start having fake blood squirt everywhere and complain about how it feels like you are being eaten. Eventually have a fake devil baby come out of a dress or skirt (could just be a doll). Pretend that yo...

How To: Market a Self Storage Facility

Self-storage may not be a new industry, but it is one that is rapidly reshaping its operations to suit a progressively more modernized customer base. In order to stay competitive with your self-storage facility, you'll need to keep an open mind, embrace current marketing trends, and most importantly, have a well-defined set of marketing goals. Your main focus should revolve around the following points:

News: Satan Surprise!

Synopsis: Tell one guy that a girl that one of the other guys knows just had some sketchy demonic encounter/satanic experience at some Wicca gathering she went to last night while she was trying to get answers from the past. Then say she’s incredibly creeped out right now and is home alone tonight so they are going to seize the opportunity(while she’s still scared) and have him dress up as Satan himself and go to her house late at night and “appear” to her in her bedroom. (Don’t be overly des...

News: car fight freaking madness

get into a car and wait at a red light, while the person behind you is also in a car , bt he is in on the stunt as well, then when the light turns green do not go, stay there and wait, then have the person behind you get out and go freaking crazy and then you get out and fight each other all over the place, then when the fight is over shake hands and get in opposite cars, then drive away!