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How To: VPN Your IoT & Media Devices with a Raspberry Pi PIA Routertraffic

Virtual private networks, or VPNs, are popular for helping you stay anonymous online by changing your IP address, encrypting traffic, and hiding your location. However, common IoT devices, media players, and smart TVs are hard to connect to a VPN, but we have a solution: Turn a Raspberry Pi into a router running through PIA VPN, which will ensure every connected device gets the VPN treatment.

How To: Use SpiderFoot for OSINT Gathering

During a penetration test, one of the most important aspects of engaging a target is information gathering. The more information you have coming into an attack, the more likely the attack is to succeed. In this article, I'll be looking at SpiderFoot, a modular cross-platform OSINT (open-source intelligence) gathering tool.

Social Engineering: How to Use Persuasion to Compromise a Human Target

Social engineering makes headlines because human behavior is often the weakest link of even well-defended targets. Automated social engineering tools can help reclusive hackers touch these techniques, but the study of how to hack human interactions in person is often ignored. Today, we will examine how to use subtle, hard to detect persuasion techniques to compromise a human target.

News: 10 Terrifying Diseases You're Going to Be Hearing a Lot More About

You may not have heard of visceral leishmaniasis, onchocerciasis, or lymphatic filariasis, and there is a reason for that. These diseases, part of a group of infections called neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), impact more than a billion people on the planet in countries other than ours. Despite the consolation that these often grotesque illnesses are "out of sight, out of mind," some of these infections are quietly taking their toll in some southern communities of the US.

How to Hack Wi-Fi: Capturing WPA Passwords by Targeting Users with a Fluxion Attack

With tools such as Reaver becoming less viable options for pen-testers as ISPs replace vulnerable routers, there become fewer certainties about which tools will work against a particular target. If you don't have time to crack the WPA password or it's unusually strong, it can be hard to figure out your next step. Luckily, nearly all systems have one common vulnerability you can count on — users!

How To: 40 Damn Cool Things You Can Do with Eggs

All day I dream of eggs: scrambled, poached, over easy, hard-boiled, fried, baked, raw... Okay, the last one is a joke (unless you're Gaston, which means that you eat five dozen of them and you're roughly the size of a barge). But eggs are freaking good in just about any cooking prep, and more often than not are the foundation of your favorite baked goods.

News: We're Very Close to the Dark Future of Deeply Augmented Reality in Black Mirror's 'Playtest'

Black Mirror, Netflix's technology-horror anthology, never fails to provide thought-provoking entertainment centered around emerging and futuristic technologies, and the third season's second episode, "Playtest," delves deep into the worlds of mixed, augmented, and virtual reality. While designed to leave you haunted by the end, offering a more "evil" narrative than we'll likely see in our actual future, the episode explores possibilities that aren't as far off as one might think.

Networking Foundations: Exploring UDP via Wireshark(Part 1)

Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm back with another informative(hopefully) article for you all. Once again I would like to apologize for my absence for about a week or so. I have some stuff going on with my life and university and I haven't found enough time to make a fully in-depth article. In this article I'm going to walk you through one of the main networking protocols when it comes to communication across the Internet between programs, aka UDP(User Datagram Protocol).

How To: Security-Oriented C Tutorial 0x21 - Linked Lists

Welcome to the final tutorial of the series on standard C. This article will cover the linked list abstract data type (ADT). There will be a lot of abstraction to try to deliver the understanding in the most basic way for easiest interpretation of what they are and how they work, then we will get into the guts of it and learn the technical code underneath. For those who have yet to grasp the concept of pointers, it's advisable that you do that first before approaching this. Having learned thi...

How To: Time-Saving Food Hacks for the 7 Most Common Thanksgiving Foods

With T-Day on the horizon and approaching rapidly, you are probably in one of two camps. The one that is eagerly awaiting the holiday feast with barely-contained drool. Or the one that involves breathing heavily into a paper bag while worrying about your lack of oven and stovetop real estate, while also bemoaning the lack of multiples of you to get all the prep work done.

How To: Get Root Access on OS X Mavericks and Yosemite

Hello all! In this tutorial, I'd like to show you one way of getting root on OS X. Check out this GitHub page for a recent privilege escalation exploit that was recently discovered. I've tested it and it works on both OS X 10.9 Mavericks and OS X 10.10 Yosemite, but appears to have been patched with OS X 10.11 El Capitan. If you check out the file main.m you can see where most of the magic is happening. This source code can very easily be changed to make it do more than just the system("/bin/...

How To: Here's How You Can Make a Real Difference in the Aftermath of the Michael Brown & Eric Garner Grand Jury Decisions

In the aftermath of the unindicted police killings of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, we've been told that the system worked as intended. When our legal system's outcome is at conflict with what a majority of Americans believe is just, it's clear that some changes are needed. But what specifically needs to change? And what can an average citizen with a moral and just cause do to prevent these kinds of tragedies from repeating themselves again and again?

How To: Make the Touch ID Fingerprint Sensor Work Perfectly on Your iPhone Every Time

Since its introduction on the iPhone 5S, Touch ID has made unlocking Home button iPhones quick and secure. The second-generation iPhone SE brought back the beloved feature in 2020 but didn't take any steps to improve on the technology. So if you're rocking Touch ID and having trouble getting it to read your fingerprints, there are some things you can do to fix it.

How to Hack Wi-Fi: Getting Started with Terms & Technologies

Welcome back, my hacker trainees! A score of my readers have been begging for tutorials on how to hack Wi-Fi, so with this article, I'm initiating a new series dedicated to Wi-Fi hacks. This will probably be around 6-9 articles, starting with the basics of the technologies. I can hear you all groan, but you need to know the basics before you get into more advanced hacking. Then hopefully, developing your own hacks.