Victory Banner Search Results

How To: Use shapes & stamps in Photoshop CS3

The shape stamp tool in Photoshop is similar to using old fashioned clip art. Shapes are extremely easy to access and you will get the hang of them quickly. These shapes can be used to enhance your existing photos or to create graphics like banners and icons. In this tutorial, you will learn exactly how to access and use the shape stamp tool in Photoshop CS3. You will no doubt have this down pat in no time and will soon be on your way to using stamps - just one of Photoshop's many helpful tools.

How To: Make basic animation or moving images in Photoshop

This video shows the process of making animations in the image program Photoshop. It shows users how to open up and navigate the animation dialogue box in Photoshop by adding frames with variations on the image to be animated, with attention to using as many frames as needed to ensure a "clean" looking animation (one that is not jumpy but rather has smooth transitions). In closing, the instructor shows its viewers which options to select on the animation settings (particularly noteworthy is t...

How To: Set up your Verizon Wireless Razzle TXT8030

This WirelessZone video gives a first-look and shows how to setup a recently un-boxed Razzle from Verizon Wireless. First the features of the unique Razzle with its flip speaker keyboard combo is highlighted, thereafter a walk-through is given on how to set up the display banner, screen back-light, keypad back-light, wallpaper, themes, menu layout, menu type, clock format, dial tones, and most of the sound settings in great detail. The video also features the default ring-tones on the phone s...

How To: Avoid adware, spyware, and keyloggers on your computer

In this episode, Brandon Jackson shows how to merge two images with the Photoshop gradient tool to create a banner montage. Doug Grammar joins D.Lee Beard again, this time to explain spyware, adware, and keylogging. They explain what these threats to your privacy & computer speed are as well as how to prevent and get rid of them. Speaking of security, Jason Rybicki shows one way to tell if your privacy is being compromised on a Mac using a free widget.

How To: Bring Back Full-Screen Incoming Call Alerts for FaceTime, Phone & Other Calling Apps in iOS 14

In iOS 13 and under, whenever you were in an app or on the home screen, and a Phone or FaceTime call came in, the entire screen would be taken over by the incoming call. Apple changed it to a subtle banner notification in iOS 14 so that it doesn't wholly obfuscate what you're doing when the call happens. However, you can get the old design back if that works better for you.

How To: For Uninterrupted Screen Recordings, Block Banner Notifications & Incoming Calls on Your iPhone

Since its introduction in iOS 11, the Screen Recording tool has been a great way to show less tech-savvy users how to use their iPhones better. It's never been easier to show your grandmother how to disable Live Photos or lower screen brightness. However, banner notifications can appear during a recording, forcing you to start over. They can even interrupt a screen share during a Zoom or Skype meeting.

Instant Tuning: How to Quickly Change Notifications Settings for Any App in iOS 12

Apple's notification system for iOS was in desperate need of a revision ever since they removed app grouping for new alerts. In iOS 12, they finally brought that back, new and improved, but Apple has also added more useful notifications features, such as Instant Tuning, which helps you quickly manage how notifications come in for each app — if you even want them to.

How To: Play a powerful summoner in League of Legends

Your summoner is the core character in your League of Legends game, the one who summons the champions to fight on your behalf on the Fields of Justice. Going screenshot by screenshot, the summoner aspect of the game is explained. Stay up to date on your score, monitor your champions and keep track of your points!

How To: Play Garen as your champion on League of Legends

This spotlight focuses on Garen, the Might of Demacia, a melee champion who can be brutal with a sword. This video goes over how his abilities let him deal a great deal of damage to others while taking very little himself. Here are also some useful strategies when it comes to playing Garen in a battle.