Video Link Search Results

News: Maxine Waters Article with Video

This is an article about Maxine Waters and how she has tried to defend herself against accusations that she helped bailout OneUnited Bank because her husband had stock there. The article also has a link to video of the news conference she held at Capitol Hill in Washington D.C.

News: Amazing Music Video

Here is a cool video for Trent Reznor's (NIN) side project How to Destroy Angels. It was directed by Rupert Sanders. It looks like it may have been filmed with a Canon DSLR, but it could be a Red camera, as well. If someone knows for sure, send a link with the info.

News: Animal Husbandry

Here is the link to the myspace of the band (I play drums) that I'm in called Animal Husbandry. The live recordings are from a show that we did for this benefit concert and the House of Blues. The quality isnt too good, and you cant hear the drums too well but you can get the idea. Tell me what you think.

How To: Add piping to pockets

This video demonstrates the process utilized by seamstress Maria Perez to make piped pockets for the fashions in Manuel's Nashville, Tennessee, shop. It goes over how he makes the piping and then how it's added to the pockets. Make sure to click the RealPlayer or Quicktime link to start the video. Add piping to pockets.

How To: Change Your Etsy Privacy Settings to Protect Your Profile from Prying Public Eyes

Nothing on the web is ever private. If you thought you can control your privacy, you were wrong. Websites may give you security options to better hide your information from the world, but ultimately your privacy resides in the hands of the website itself. We've seen how websites let ad companies track our private usage. We've seen how Facebook mucked up their privacy controls. We even saw how websites like Gawker are prone to hackers stealing user information. And now, Etsy has made what was ...

How To: Do Dimensional Analysis

Dimensional analysis is the process of analyzing units to decide which conversion factors to use. You can use this in real life if you want to figure your gas mileage. Here is a link to a website to help you Dimensional Analysis definitions | Quizlet.

How To: Benefit from Effective Internet Marketing Strategies

Business owners and marketeers are diverting from traditional marketing techniques, including billboards, radio and TV advertising, brochures, and any other outdoor promotions, to cheaper but effective Internet marketing strategies. Under the new arrangement, business owners reach out to the final consumers through advertising on the World Wide Web.

News: Gathering Data for Fun and Profit

Oh Data, You so Awesome! We are going to use Node.JS to gather us some data. Given nodes plethora of well abstracted network abilities and it's deep evened nature, it will make quick work of plugging into various data sources and gathering / making good use of said data.