Water Cooler Search Results

How To: Chill Any Drink in 1 Minute

Here is how to cool any desired drink to a nice and cold temperature in just one minute. Whatever the reason why you need a cool drink fast, whether it's because you don't have a fridge or freezer on hand, or that you just want to make your drink cold fast, this method is awesome.

How To: Make Slimy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Ooze at Home

It's been a minute since Michael Bay released his tragedy of a remake of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. As a huge fan of the cartoon and the movies from the '90s, I have made it a point to not watch the latest this franchise has to offer—I'm certainly not in the business of ruining my childhood. But the awfulness of the remake aside, the TMNT resurgence means I'm celebrating the comeback of everybody's favorite teenage reptiles. Thankfully, Todd's Kitchen has a tutorial for mutant ooze that's ...

News: Virtual Reality, Coming to a Dentist's Office Near You

I don't know anyone that likes going to the dentist—few things are more uncomfortable than having someone else's hands in your mouth. But outside of that, not only can the pain of certain procedures be unnerving, the drugs used to numb those pains can be just as uncomfortable. Not being able to feel your mouth for hours on end is a disconcerting feeling. But all that could soon be a thing of the past, thanks to virtual reality.

How To: De-Stink Old Smelly Jars with Two Simple Ingredients

It's so nice to be able to reuse old glass jars for food storage. Occasionally, though, even the sturdiest container has to be recycled because it retains the smell of its previous contents. Usually the culprit was garlic, garlic-based, or something pickled, and you're certainly not going to store your fresh herbs or fruit in that. There is, however, a quick and easy way to get that old stink out of your jar and make it usable again. You just need two things...

How To: How the Headrest in Your Vehicle Can Potentially Save Your Life One Day

If you ever find yourself in a car that's submerged under water, your first instinct should be to try and open either the window or the door in the first few seconds of touching water. Unfortunately, if you wait any longer than that, the lopsided ambient water pressure subjected to the car will make it impossible to open the car door, and the now ubiquitous power windows will likely short out. Sure, you could wait until the pressure has equalized on both sides of the car, but this usually hap...

How To: Kill or Keep Away Flies & Other Small Pests with Homemade Sticky Flypaper

Despite being disgusting, houseflies are actually beneficial to humans in a few ways. As scavengers, they help the environment by eating rotting organic matter, and make great food for pet tarantulas. Regardless of the advantages to their existence, having them in your home can be infuriating. There are countless sprays, traps and devices made to kill or deter the little pests, one of the most common being flypaper that hangs from the ceiling. These sticky strips are incredibly easy to make a...

How To: Make a time lapse video using Adobe Premiere Pro

Time lapse videos can be used to distort a sense of time around your subject, which makes them very useful special effects in documentaries. By using time lapse, you can show the transition from sunrise to sunset in just a few seconds, or slow down a drop of water hitting a table. The tools in Adobe Premiere can be used to create this effect, and the following tutorial shows you how to take your raw footage and turn it into a time lapse shot.

How To: Make a succulent bistro French onion soup

We haven't met - or rather, our tongues haven't met yet - a French onion soup that we haven't liked. Just thinking about this oily soup dish makes our mouth water: Creamy cheese floating on top, delicious, drenched kernels of onions, and of course the rich amber-hued soup.