Water Reserves Search Results

News: Drunk and Wild

My wild prank idea is to have someone disguise themselves as a crazy, drunk and wild, pregnant old lady, and she should be having dinner at a restaraunt or buying lunch somewhere at a cafe. Then while she's ordering her food or sitting at her table just about to leave, her water should braeak and she should totally be unaware of what just happened. Then when people start to notice that her water just broke and there's fluids all around her, she should say that she's perfectly fine and has the...

News: The sperm balloon fight!

Ok.... the guys all get together to surprise BAM with a waterballoon fight only there isnt just water in these balloons lol.....One special color balloon will have the contents of a hillbilly cocktail! Gather the sperm of a few farm animals and you will have a nice hillbilly cocktail! Now the best part in my opinion is that BAM is convinced that its water and wont mind a shot to the face lol.....With carefull planning this could be some funny material.

News: Stormin the Beach

The Jackass cast are dressed in Revolutionary War outfits and are riding and paddling a large canoe towards a beach.All around the beach is the enemy waiting for them. When Johnny and the boys are near the shore; the enemy opens fire, with bottle rockets, roman candles, fire hoses and paintball guns. The Jackass guys are armed with BB guns.If the jackass boys are knocked over into the water, they have to buy the 'enemy' a big nice dinner. If the jackass boys reach and land on the beach, the e...

News: Biggest Waterballon

Fill up a balloon or some similar material with water. This should be no ordinary balloon but the biggest one, one could possibly make. Launch it down from a building or some huge height in the air on one of the jackass star's car when he is parking. Bam's would probably be the funniest. This is short and sweet, but would be very funny. The size of this should be very extreme.

News: The Shock Maze

Make a maze out of invisible dog fence. Have a bunch of people wear many collars on their bodies and tell them they need to navigate their way to the end of the maze. They can see the end of the maze, but if they take the wrong path, they will get shocked. Also either have them wear the barking dog shock collars so that if they leave the boundary they will scream and keep getting shocked until they return to the maze path, or have another method to get them to return inside the boundaries. Bu...

News: Super Shot

This idea I have is called the Super Shot. First, you can either do this in a bar type setting, or just build a makeshift bar of your own, whichever suits your needs, cause either shall work.

News: Ball-Bike Slam!

Hardcore duct tape and exercise ball to the front of a motorcycle or bike. Set a person up on top of a huge cliff over water or on top of a gnarly hill. Tape some more exercise balls to the person on the cliff, forming a sort of ball suit around him. then have the motorcycle or bike hit him at high speed, launching the ball suit guy and probably sending the bike driver over the cliff too.

News: The Shitty massage

A massage worker calls a jackass memeber and says you just won a free 2 hour massage and we would like you to come [this day] and he will be there he will lay down on his tummy with nose plugs and the massager would open a little can with shit in it and say this is a cream that make's your back feeling good all day and then their wll be piss in a bottle and say its a water that makes you back have no wrinkels and then the massager will take off the nose plugs and then you will push the jackas...

News: mannequin dool & Shot contest

1.dress like mannequin in stor in a loaded street and when people will stare sudenly washed by water hose that will operate by someone from behind!! it will bbbee soo fffuunnnyy2.place two poles with elastic ropes, on lake or sea shore and compete by throwing people.

News: ideas for prank

1.dress like mannequin in stor in a loaded street and when people will stare we suddenly be washed right into the window by water hose that will operated by saomone behind!!it will be soooo fffuuunnnyy2place two poles with elastic ropes, on lake or sea shore and compete by throw people. pleeeaaasss you have to choose me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

News: Fireman Fridge, microwave, and door/Johnny the fireman

"Fireman Fridge" You guys should get one of the really powerfull hoses that the fire department uses and when someone goes to open a fridge (that they don't know is rigged with a hole cut in the back of it), someone should turn the hose on and mow down the person/people outside of the fridge with the hose, it would be totally unexpected. You can even hallow out the inside of a fridge and have one of the cast members stand inside of it with a firefighter suit on and spray the victim down.And. ...

News: exploding portapotty's

the scenario.. an outdoors event. in which the food has been laced with a super strong laxative the more the better. eventually everyone will need to crap bad. the portapotty's are retrofitted with massive pumps inside the blue water filled with the most ungodly poop one can find. the massive pumps shoot all that rancid goodness through any and all holes in the portapotty. only to be rigged hidden cameras to watch the madness. afterwards there would be a quick release for the walls of the por...

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