Websites Typically Search Results

How To: Use PHP to design and make cool websites

PHP is a scripting language that since 1995 has allowed web developers all over the world to create more dynamic websites. This video series will show you how to use it from start to finish, covering the very basics and very advanced techniques. If you want to move you web design skills beyond XHTML, watch this video.

How To: Make a website using Adobe Flash CS4

Creating a website from scratch is one of the most productive and most challenging things that you can do on a computer, whether the site promotes your own services and interests or you're being paid to make it for someone else. This nine-part video will walk you through the entire process of making a website using Flash CS4. It is very complete, and if you have the patience to watch all nine parts you should be well on your way to creating a really cool, high-traffic site.

How To: Create a website and improve web presence

When you need a website to showcase your product or service, it can be quite confusing. Follow these easy steps to gather everything you need to have a successful website. Start your search for a domain name in the domain name registrar. (Example: Rent space from a hosting company to hold the files for your website. Set up an email account for your company. Create the content for your website (example: products, prices, services, etc). Get internet security to protect sen...

How To: Create a portfolio website for videos using WordPress

If you're a filmmaker or graphic designer, you need a good way to present your work, and in today's age, you need a website portfolio. But really, anyone in the visual arts could benefit form a web portfolio, and the easiest way to make on is in WordPress. This video series will guide you through setting up a WordPress site using pages to create a portfolio website.

How To: Use best practices for indicating breadcrumbs on your website

Google is the biggest and best search engine on Earth, and if you are a webmaster and want your website to be a big success it would really behoove you to know as much about how it works as possible. The Google Webmasters series of videos and website were created to teach webmasters, SEO professionals, and others how Google works by answering their questions and giving them insights into how they can best integrate and utilize Google's functionality to improve their business. This video will ...

How To: Use HipHop for PHP to improve website performance

HipHop for PHP is a source code transformer that allows you to optimize your PHP code easily, which will allow you website to run faster on less server space. This video is a record of a seminar on using HipHop done by a Facebook employee who had a hand in it's development. If you make websites using PHP, this will be very good stuff for you to learn.

How To: Use CakePHP to create and develop websites

CakePHP is the Ruby on Rails of the PHP world, an open-source web application framework that allows users to create really cool websites and software without spending money on expensive programs. This extensive video series will teach you everything you need to know about working with CakePHP and should make your website a lot more interesting.

How To: Make an accordion on your website with jQuery

jQuery is a very powerful and easy-to-use Javascript library that you can use to make websites. If you're here, you probably already know that and want some help doing so. This video will show you how to create a simple accordion in jQuery. An accordion is the part of a website, usually along the side, where links to other parts of the website are grouped under headings that expand when clicked or moused over. Do this, and your website will be much more professional and easy-to-navigate.

How To: Choose rum

Rum is no ordinary liquor. If you have a yearning for some rum, you need to know the basics of rum culture, like what rum is (and isn't), what kind of rums are available, and how is rum made. Once you know this information, you'll be a rum master. Rum is available in a wide variety of weights, ages, and blends. If you aspire to become a connoisseur of fine rums, start with the basics.

How To: Hack websites using cross-site scripting (XSS)

In this episode of Full Disclosure we are explaining the website attack known as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). Cross-Site Scripting is a type of security vulnerability that affects web applications that do not sanitize user input properly. This kind of vulnerability allows an "attacker" to inject HTML or client side script like JavaScript into the website. Cross-Site Scripting is most commonly used to steal cookies. Cookies are used for authenticating, tracking, and maintaining specific informa...

How To: Use the jQuery Javascript framwork to make websites

jQuery is a very popular and easy-to-use Javascript framework that allows you to make very interactive websites quickly and easily. This video introduction will show you how to use the basics of jQuery and explains why you should be learning how to use it in the first place. If you want to make really smooth user interfaces for websites, watch this video. You really need to know jQuery.

How To: Make a timeline for your website in Flash CS4

Making your own website from scratch is one of the most challenging and rewarding ways that you can take advantage of the internet. This mammoth 60-part video series walks you through the process of doing just that in Adobe Flash CS4. This is chapter 3 of that series, and covers the timeline of your website. If you haven't watched the previous chapters, do some now and come back. After you watch all of these videos, making your own site in Flash should be a cinch.

How To: Submit your website to various search engines

In this video tutorial the instructor shows how to submit your website to Google and its search engines. To do this first you need to have an account with Google. If you do not already have one go ahead and sign up for an account with Google. Now search Google for the webmaster tool. Then it opens the Google webmaster website which you can enter with your Google user name and password. Now inside there is an option to add a new website. You can type in the URL of the website and submit. Now G...

How To: Make meat stuffed grape leaves

In this clip, learn how to make a Greek specialty: meat stuffed grape leaves. These yummy snacks are easy to put together and provide tons of snacking enjoyment - not to mention they cover tons of food groups! Mix it up and add meat to this typically vegetarian side dish for a fun new flavor. Enjoy!

How To: Measure the trouser waist for women suits

Women typically wear pants much lower than their true waist. In order to be fitted properly for a pair of trousers, you will have to find the size of your trouser waist. This is an area a bit above your hips and below your true waist. For a suit, this is typically where your pants will sit.

How To: FTP from a local computer to a website

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to create a FTP from a local computer to a website. In this video, viewers are shown (once you've chosen a web host) how to perform FTP file transfers from your local computer to your website. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a process that you can use to transfer files from your local computer to a remote computer (your website). Once you've set up a hosting account, your hosting company will provide you with FTP login credentials. Using an FTP softwa...

How To: Make healthy popcorn

Ok, so here’s this weeks DirtSalad video. It’s about making popcorn. Why? Well, my girlfriend Kristin is a therapeutic chef and typically cooks or prepares meal plans for people that are trying to prevent cancer, heart disease or diabetes by using foods as medicine. In this video, you will learn how to make popcorn that tastes crazy good and uses ingredients that are actually good for you.

How To: Prepare BBQ ribs country style

Around here we call them "Jacks Ribs" but typically they are known as Country Style Pork Ribs. They are simple to grill and a great recipe to have on hand if you need a quick and easy meal from the BBQ grill. Although most Rib men describe this cut more as a "chop" than "rib", the pork industry prefers to call them Ribs. So Ribs they are!

How To: Trick Websites into Thinking You're on a Different OS or Browser

There are a number of reasons why you might want to trick a web server into thinking you're on a different operating system (OS) or web browser. One might be that you want to test the mobile version of your website from your computer. Or perhaps for some reason a website is restricted to a certain OS or browser and you wish to circumnavigate that barrier. Today's guide shows you how to do just that!

How To: Consider the effects of widgets on your page load times and Google ranking

Google is the biggest and best search engine on Earth, and if you are a webmaster and want your website to be a big success it would really behoove you to know as much about how it works as possible. The Google Webmasters series of videos and website were created to teach webmasters, SEO professionals, and others how Google works by answering their questions and giving them insights into how they can best integrate and utilize Google's functionality to improve their business. This video will ...

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