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How To: Stop a panic attack

In this tutorial, we learn how to stop a panic attack. Start by reminding yourself that you are having anxiety and do not get upset with the situation. Realize you are just having heightened sensations and that you are not in any danger at the moment. Don't close down, let your sensations run through your body and process the fear. Travel through the anxiety to become free of it. The act of welcoming will change your attitude, and let you flow with the experience. You can mentally feel the se...

How To: Utilize the informational display in the 2010 Prius

In this tutorial, we learn how to utilize the informational display in the 2010 Prius. This is in the middle of the panel display and appears after the welcoming screen. It includes a clock at the top and can be changed when you press the correct button on the steering wheel. Pressing the display button will bring up different screens to give you information on how your vehicle is running and give you history of it. It will also provide access to settings of your car so you can change the clo...

How To: Paint a home's interior walls

Painting may sound like a tough task, but in fact is really easy to do. Yes it's hard work, but in the end, you're left a beautiful looking room that makes your home feel more welcoming. In this tutorial, you'll find out how to paint a home's interior walls. It's something that can be done in less than a day so good luck and enjoy!

How To: Soften the look of a stone walkway with creeping thyme

Stone walks can look a bit intimidating. But by planting small plants you can make a stone walk both welcoming and beautiful. You want to plant something that is hardy and still attractive. You shouldn't plant on a heavily traveled area, but this technique is perfect for a lightly traveled path. When planting in between stones, dig a small hole for the plant and place it gently between the stones. As with all plantings, you will want to immediately water after you put the plant into the soil....

How To: Prevent Cats from Peeing Outside Your House

A lot of people have problems with their cats urinating inside the house, leaving behind the retched odor of cat pee. Others get frustrated when feral or stray cats pee on their porch, patio, or anywhere else outside of their house, as it's not the most welcoming odor when guests arrive.

How To: Unlock the Hidden Weather Lock Screen Widget in iOS 12 on Your iPhone

There are a lot of things that make iOS great, but lock screen widgets are not among them. If you want more information on your lock screen other than the date, time, and notifications without having to swipe to a sidebar of widgets, you'd normally look toward Android. However, iOS 12 aims to shake that up a bit with a secret Weather widget for the lock screen — not for the Today view.

NR50: The Influencers to Watch in Augmented & Mixed Reality

When building anything of a social nature, be it a local roller derby or softball team, a club dance night for chiptune, or building new technology markets, the community around those ideas are an important factor in helping these things not only come into existence but to grow into something that enlightens everyone involved. The community around an idea can actually make or break these new ventures — and this applies to augmented and mixed reality as well.

NR30: The Mobile AR Leaders of 2018

This time last year, we got our first taste of what mobile app developers could do in augmented reality with Apple's ARKit. Most people had never heard of Animojis. Google's AR platform was still Tango. Snapchat introduced its World Lens AR experiences. Most mobile AR experiences existing in the wild were marker-based offerings from the likes of Blippar and Zappar or generic Pokémon GO knock-offs.

How To: Write A Letter From Teachers To Parents

Parental involvement is a crucial ingredient in the success of many children. Teachers know the saying all too well that it takes more than a village to raise a child, for one - it takes parental involvement. Thus, it is important for teachers to reach out to parents in that first week of school. Teachers should write a formal letter that is welcoming and easily comprehensible to the parent and the student. This letter should be able to communicate that the teacher values the child’s educatio...

How To: Litter Box Train Your New Kitten

I love cats (dogs too - but that's a subject for a different article...;o)). There are few things more enjoyable than welcoming an adorable little kitten into one's house; watching them inspect their mysterious new surroundings - timidly at first - and then quickly make it their empire.

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