Wet Look Vinyl Search Results

News: The 5-Second-Rule Is BS, Say Scientists

There's no reason to waste a perfectly good Cheeto just because it dropped on the kitchen floor, right? The "5-second-rule" makes it fair game if you can swipe it up fast enough (this doesn't apply for liquids or foods with floor fuzz stuck to them.) But, is that errant piece of chocolate really safe after it's mixed with the bacteria-laden mud from your shoe?

News: Gigantic Carpet of 750,000 Begonias (Assembled in Just 4 Hours!)

Every summer the city of Brussels assembles an enormous carpet of begonias, under the advisement of one hundred experienced gardeners. The project is planned far in advance, with illustrations and scale models based on a chosen theme (previously chosen have been the arms and shield of a town or commemoration of important events). This year's theme features Saint Michael striking down the dragon, the official protective image of the city, founded over 1,000 years ago.

How To: Clean a dog's ears of dirt and wax

Your mother used to remind you to wash behind your ears now make sure you keep your dog in tip top health and clean their ears too. Dogs depend a lot on their hearing but can build dirt and wax in and around their ears which can be irritating or lead to infection.

How To: Add & Delete 'Friends' on Your Apple Watch

Accessing and getting in touch with your favorite contacts has never been easier thanks to the "Friends" feature on the Apple Watch. However, this only applies to users who are running watchOS 2.2.2 and lower. When Apple issued watchOS 3, the "Friends" option was completely removed. So if you're running watchOS 3 or higher, you won't be able to follow these instructions.

How To: Why Does a Wooden Spoon Stop Pasta from Boiling Over?

You've undoubtedly seen this trick on the internet or from your beloved Italian nonna: balance a wooden spoon across a pot of cooking pasta to prevent the water from boiling over and creating an unsightly, sticky mess all over your stovetop. It's almost magical, that's how easy it is. The most popularly held belief is that the wooden spoon prevents heat from building up too much at the center of the pot, thus preventing the liquid from boiling too high—but this is not true.

How To: Make HUGE Soap Bubbles

Learning to make giant bubbles for this video has been the most fun I've had with a project in a long time. It's addicting to try to get them to grow bigger and bigger than the ones before. Since filming this video, my skill has improved tremendously and the bubbles you're about to see, though spectacularly big, are dwarfed by what I've made since. Everyone loves to watch. This is definitely one project that will draw a crowd!

News: Why should you covet a Fixie bike?

(We did not know about these, either...until we discovered these videos.) The fixed gear bike, also called a fixie, was designed for track racing in the velodrome. Working bike messengers brought them to the NYC, Tokyo, SF, London streets on account the cycles gave them far more control to maneuver the urban jungle. The Chinese acrobat peddling a bike with 18 contortionists wrapped around him, must have a fixie.

How To: Restore rusty ceiling grid systems

Update your nasty, ugly ceiling grid in your home or office. With this video tutorial, see how to restore rusty ceiling grid systems. Ceiling Armor Grid Cover will update rusty and discolored ceiling grid systems for a fraction of the cost of replacement. This unique cover snaps on to a standard grid system without any special preparation. This washable solid vinyl cover is suitable for standard ceiling grids in kitchens, restaurants, bakeries, pools, rest rooms and outdoor ceiling locations.

How To: Use aspirin in unusual ways

Don’t wait for your next headache to pull out that bottle of aspirin. Aspirin can be used as a topical home remedy for some medical problems, and as a handy fix to remove stain, keep your flowers fresh and even start a car battery.

How To: The Guardians of the Galaxy vs. Halloween (DIY Costume Roundup)

The Guardians of the Galaxy have to be the most fun superhero team to have at a Halloween party. They dance, they break the rules, and they definitely have the grooviest music. So the Guardians are a great bunch to pick from for your Halloween costume — or even for a themed group costume. Just imagine the badass vibe when you all walk into a venue together with Star-Lord blasting "Cherry Bomb" from a portable speaker. Here's a roundup of some of the best Guardians of the Galaxy costume guides...