Winner Sebastian Search Results

News: Festival - Matador at 21 Las Vegas Lineup Revealed

Matador, the label behind our favorite indie bands is turning 21 this year. To celebrate they're having this awesome festival in Vegas! Guided By Voices will be reuniting to play the Matador at 21 Festival along with Belle & Sebastian, Cat Power, Cold Cave, The New Pornographers, Sonic Youth, Spoon, Yo La Tengo and many more. Matador at 21 will be taking place at The Palms in Las Vegas from Friday, October 1 - Sunday, October 3 in collaboration with Los Angeles promoters FYF Fest. No on-sale ...

BladeCraft: Bladerunner Recreated in Minecraft

Two wonderful, wonderful things converge! Minecraft Forum's rushone2009 introduces the Bladecraft Project, a melding of Blade Runner and Minecraft. The current texture pack and map downloads contain no adventure or goal, just exploring and discovering movie references. Download here.

News: WTFoto's Hobo Advice Challenge Winners!

Howdy, hobos! Last week's WTFoto challenge meandered on much like its namesake, the vagrant. We had a couple good submissions that warmed my heart with laughter. I thought my examples were pretty on point, but my confidence is pretty low right now because I failed a recent IQ test. For your amusement, here are those awesome remixes of the Hobo Image Macro! Did they measure up?

News: And the Winner of the Phone Snap Funny Face Challenge Is...

Congratulations to Kyle B Richardson, the winner of our very last Phone Snap Challenge! Thanks to all who submitted their silly funny face photos for this week's challenge, as well as all previous Phone Snap challenges. Unfortunately all good things must come to an end, and it is time for Phone Snap to come to a close, but please feel free to continue to utilize the Phone Snap community corkboard to continue to share your best cell phone photos.

How To: Earn Money for Creative T-Shirt Designs

Why T-Shirts T-shirts are a great way for people to express themselves, and like other art forms, unique t-shirt designs are becoming more and more popular. Websites that specialize in just t-shirts are popping up all over the internet with tons of opportunities for designers, and artists from all over the world are now considering t-shirt design as a way to expand their portfolios and make some cash.

News: Winners!/New Contest!

Hello good Minecrafters, here are the 3 winners! What a shame only 2 builds were finished :( First place goes to MinecraftNathan5 ! Congratulations! I really like the detail work on the grass and even the boards!! Really good job! Second place goes to Shnipeyy! I like the medieval twist, i would like to see it finished! Third place goes to Shmileyface!! With his nice football table design! New contest!

News: Robot Dance Off Gets Creepy

As November was coming to an end this year, the "6th Robo-One Gate in International Robot Exhibition 2009" dance competition took place. The contenders are just a little bit creepy, to say the least. Particularly exhibit A, Britney Spears wannabe,  "LOVE & JOY, Yuhi Kimura", by Doka Harumi.

News: the contest

As many members of the Jackass Crew as possible will have 60 minutes to go out and purchase the biggest roosters (no live animals used) they can find and return for the Cock measuring contest. Winner with the biggest cock gets to kick losers in the nuts.

News: Null Byte's First Technical Excellence Tutorial Contest Ends Feb. 15, 2016!

As you all know, the first Null Byte Technical Excellence Tutorial Contest ends this coming Monday, Feb. 15, 2016. If you are working on another great article or your first article, try to complete it and submit it before midnight Pacific Standard Time (PST) to be considered in this contest. The winner of this contest will not only receive a certificate verifying the technical excellence of their tutorial, but they will also receive a free copy of the Professional version of the Exploit Pack ...

Fire Dousing Baby Doll: WTFoto Stock Photo Challenge Winner (Plus Favorites)

For any of you not in the loop, last week marked our first ever WTFoto Challenge. The goal was to find the craziest, most absurd stock photo on the web we've never seen before. There were a lot of WTF images submitted to our community corkboard, and now it's time to announce the results of the stock image showdown. Who will win the the honor of Watermark of Weirdness? Drumroll please, imaginary band leader named Tim Drickles...