Wired Peripherals Search Results

News: You Have to Ask, "What Were They Thinking?"

There really are depths of dumbth up with which I will not put, so I won’t be spending nine coins to build a Detective Agency in FrontierVille.Historically, the Pinkerton National Detective Agency was started 1850 but came into its own working for Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War (1861 to 1865, for foreigners and the home-schooled) catching Confederate spies and running their own networks in the South. The US didn’t have a national police force until the Bureau Of Investigation started up...

News: Soon To Be Famous Pumpkin Bread Pudding

We were invited to my Wife's Cousins house for Thanksgiving Dinner and I wanted a unique but fabulous dessert. I had Doug find us a recipe and this is what he came up with. It is a Pumpkin Bread Pudding with a caramel whiskey sauce. By that, I mean a Bread Pudding made with Pumpkin Bread, that has a cramel Bourbon sauce drizzled over it when its done. This required that we find a good recipe for Pumpkin Bread. I also put Doug on this bit of research and he came up with a whopper of a recipe. ...

News: The Electric race

alright so Johnny and Bam run through this course "the Electric race" which is first: crawling under wires of electricness second: they jump over wires of electricness which are like hurdles about 4 feet high Third: go on monkey bars that send little electric shocks thourgh the monkey bars to your hands and if you fall because of though theres a pit of electricity at the bottom which is a bunch electric wires at the bottom but if you fall you can keep going and forth: you rock climb over a wa...

How To: Use an adjustable overcast foot on a sewing machine

To use an adjustable overcast foot on a sewing machine, watch this video sewing tutorial. It is ideal for stitching and finishing stretch fabrics or fabrics that unravel easily. Prevents seam from puckering, even when stitching wider seams. Turning the screw, adjust wire to seam width so needle swings over wire on right side. Stitch slowly with edge of fabric even with red guide and stitch going over wire. Use an adjustable overcast foot on a sewing machine.

How To: Replace the LCD Screen on an LG KF600 Cell Phone

Introduction In this article you will find instructions to replace a broken LCD screen of a LG KF600 phone. To execute these steps a new replacement LCD should be bought beforehand. Stores that sell replacement KF600 LCD screen can be found on the Internet. These instructions can also be used for other type LG phones that are part of the same family or have the same internal structure.

How To: Crimp your own ethernet cables

In this tutorial, we learn how to crimp your own Ethernet cables. First, grab your cable and take the end of the crimper. Place the cable inside of the crimper, then cut off the first few inches of the cable. Next, unwind the different cables and then use your crimper to straighten on the edges. Cut the wires so they are even, then strip it again if you cut the cable too short. If you have never dealt with crimping cables before, you might want to have someone experienced to help you. Make su...

How To: Make a Simple, Healthy and Delicious Cheese-Beer Bread

There are always those days when bread-lovers want a hearty savory bread to eat, but there isn't quite enough time to make a yeast bread. After all, yeast breads take anywhere from an hour to a full day for the first rise. Well, that's where this whole-wheat beer bread comes in! It doesn't take long to throw together and bake, but tastes delicious and is relatively healthy due to the use of whole wheat flour. If you don't like whole wheat flour, you can always substitute the same amount of pl...

News: speed boat tug, gryo race

preaty simple get 2 speed boats an maybe a 150 ft bungie rope tie one end to me an the other end to one of u guys an have the boats go as fast as possiable in opposite directions... laugh ur ass off.so we start out in one of those gryo machines that go every witch way for ten mins an make it crazy fast so were extra dizzy... the start of the track will be the rope bridge with some type of nasty substance (ur choice) under that. seconed part will be hurterls over barb wire should leave a mark ...

How To: Wedge and Knead a Piece of Clay for Pottery Making

Wedging and kneading is essential before throwing clay on a pottery wheel, or shaping by hand, in order to get rid of air bubbles that may cause the pottery to explode while firing in the kiln. There are many different techniques to wedge and knead, but this video ceramic design tutorial shows how to wire cut wedge and spiral knead a piece of clay. Learn how to wedge and knead a piece of clay for pottery making by watching this instructional video.

How To: Make a High-Powered Compressed Air Rocket Gun

In this article, I'll show you how to make a high-powered, long-range, air-powered rocket gun. This launcher is based on a sprinkler valve, a modified propane tank, and a few other components. Though not hard to make, this device is VERY dangerous! The rocket can seriously harm, if not kill any living thing it's shot at. Here's a video of it in action, quite an accurate shot by my friend Chris... Parts

How To: How Red-light Cameras Work

As you may have seen in your city or town, red light cameras are on the rise in the United States. In many instances in my area, these cameras have sprung up seemingly out of no-where, and mostly without any reason. Over use of these systems can make privacy (even on the road) a fleeting possibility.

How To: Stop Bike Thieves Dead in Their Tracks! Make a Magnetically Controlled Bike Alarm

Bikes are a great form of transportation. They use human energy more efficiently than any other machine. You can keep it in your closet or hallway. You can even take it on the train in a pinch. However, this portability is also the bike's biggest draw back. If you own a bike in the city, chances are it will be stolen. Locks barely deter thieves armed with bolt cutters and crowbars. Throw the bike thieves for a loop and make a tilt-sensitive alarm. It will hopefully startle your bike's assaila...

How To: Use Social Bookmarking Sites For Effective SEO

If you know anything about search engine optimization and online marketing then you know that having as many links going into your site from good sources is very important. And if you’re not really experienced at building links or SEO in general then you might not know the best way to get good links for your site. So please read on and I’ll present to you what I feel is the best way to get good quality links for your site.

News: Catch Creeps and Thieves in Action: Set Up a Motion-Activated Webcam DVR in Linux

When it comes to webcams these days, most people are using their laptops over desktops. The cameras are centered, integrated, and require no configuring. They're a cinch and usually have great resolution. So, then what do we do with all of those old wired desktop webcams that we've accrued over the years? Even if you still use an external USB one, chances are you're not using it daily, so why not come up with a better use for it?

How To: Remain Anonymous and Chat Securely with Cryptocat

I'm sure we've all heard about MSN and Yahoo! Messenger, right? They can be useful, but the setup can be quite time consuming for those who need to use it just once or twice—and the privacy statements are a real bother. For example, we must provide our real details. You could use Fake Name Generator, but if you get caught, you will have your account suspended. I don't have a law degree, but to my understanding the United States recently passed legislation that gives the authorities the power ...

How To: Remotely Control Computers Over VNC Securely with SSH

VNC is a great protocol that you can use on Windows and Linux machines to remotely control computers. This is useful if you need to control your computer when away from home, help your grandma check her email, or help a client with a disk cleanup. VNC is secure in the sense that it requires authentication in order to make the connection, but after that, the data is sent over the internet unencrypted. This means that an attacker could sniff your traffic and snoop everything that's going on. Th...

How To: Create an Automatic Obsidian Generator in Minecraft

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server. Mining obsidian is not only time consuming, but dangerous. Looking for caves with obsidian and risking death by creeper, zombie, or lava just isn't worth it sometimes. Luckily, obsidian can be farmed, just like cobblestone! You'll no longer need to put your life on the line for this most-indestructible of building materials.

How To: Create a Minecart Train Station in Minecraft

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server. So you have a deep mine, an epic home, a bountiful farm, and mob traps galore, but have you ever considered linking them together into one cohesive unit? With the use of a minecart train station you can turn your disjointed Minecraft manor into a well oiled machine and cut travel times in half.

How To: Build a Water Elevator in Minecraft

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server. Getting up and down in Minecraft can be extremely time consuming without the assistance of fly mods or speed hacks. If you're a pure player looking for a safe and effective way to travel vertically, why not try the Minecraft water elevator? It's a simple to use device that neither requires neither expert know-how or miles of redstone wiring. It's even faster than many piston elevators.

News: 3 Unique Alternative Web Browsers for Your iOS Device

A few weeks ago I wrote about Atomic Web as the best web browser for iOS devices, and while I believe it is a superior option, Atomic Web is not the only alternative web browser you can use on your iOS device. There are three more—Dual Browser, iCabMobile, and iSwifter—that are all great options because of their unique features. Let’s check them out.

How To: Boot Ubuntu on a Macbook From USB

For Windows laptops and PCs it's easy to install Linux. However for Macs, it's a different story. There are people installing Ubuntu on Macbooks and so far I've noticed that they are using 9.10. I've remastered my own Ubuntu 10.04 complete with playing flash videos and other applications already pre-installed on a DVD. Plus, it can boot on laptops with Nvidia graphic cards. If you'd like to see my workaround for Nvidia check out my article on remastering Ubuntu.

HowTo: Play With Fire on Camera

Here at WonderHowTo, we appreciate the fine art of photography (including its extensively vast bag of mind boggling tricks). We also enjoy playing with fire. Sorry, most of us are little boys at heart, and we can't get enough tutorials that fall within the playing-with-matches realm.

News: Kizeme

Kizeme This Japanese word, kizeme, means "spirit of attack." It is said of Miyamoto Musashi, the famed Japanese swordsman, that as he grew older he relied more on kizeme to defeat adversaries and, as a result, emerged victorious from challenges without taking the life of his opponent.

How To: Change Rear Disc Brakes on a 2001 Chrysler Town & Country Minivan

Changing the rear disc brakes on your 2001 Chrysler Town & Country (henceforth referred to as T&C) can be quite a challenge, but if you can spare a few hours (remember that you need to budget time to get the brake parts from the parts house) and are willing to get a little dirt on your hands, then you can save quite a bit of coinage!!! If after reading this article you do not feel like you can safely change your brakes, then bring your vehicle to a repair shop and let a professional do the jo...