Withdrawal Penalties Search Results

News: Watch the Red Bull Air Race in a Whole New Way with Flight Deck on HoloLens

At Vision Summit 2017, UK-based Rewind, one of the recent additions to the Microsoft HoloLens Agency Readiness Partner Program, showed off a HoloLens application called "Flight Deck" that genuinely blew me away. The idea of watching a live-action sports experience on a coffee table has been explored and mocked up, but Rewind not only has done it, they will be releasing it later this year.

How To: Know what the numbers on a golf ball means

In this video Jay Golden talks about what the numbers on a golf ball mean. The different numbers do not mean that the ball is a different weight or size or dimple pattern. The major purpose for different numbered balls is so that you know your ball when you are playing golf. If two players have the same numbered ball normally a dot is put on one of the balls with a magic marker so that you can know which ball belongs to each player. If you hit the wrong ball it's a two stroke penalty. If you ...

How To: 3 Apps for Getting Your Budget & Finances Under Control in 2017

It's become a routine for many of us to ring in the New Year with pledges to finally get our budgets and finances under control. Unfortunately, it's also quite difficult to to keep those promises. Some of us will just dive into our resolutions and wing it as we move forward, which usually ends in failure. But even for those of us who plan carefully, obstacles along the way can spell doom for New Year's resolutions.

How To: Get a Game Boy Advance (GBA) Emulator on Your BlackBerry, iPhone, Android, PSP, Mac, or PC

For those of you still using a BlackBerry smartphone, this article will show you the tips and tricks to installing emulators and playing some classic Game Boy Advanced games on your device. You can find a few tutorials and videos out there on getting Game Boy Color or NES games on an Android device, but the most elusive mobile emulator is for Game Boy Advanced (GBA) on a BlackBerry.

How To: Understand American football

In this video series, watch as sports enthusiast and football fan Kenny Saylors teaches how to watch and understand the sport of American football. Learn what the different players and positions are, the different penalties, how long the game lasts, and how the field is set up.

Coinbase 101: Fees & Fine Print You Need to Know Before Trading Bitcoins & Other Cryptocurrencies

Coinbase is the primary go-to for many users when it comes to investing in Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Ripple (XRP), and more, due to its user-friendly interface. But before you join them, know that the ease of use comes with a price. Coinbase charges fees for each transaction, and your bank might even add charges on top of that. Plus, there is some fine print to be aware of.

News: Do the CDC's Suggested New Quarantine Rules Give Them Too Much Power?

When Kaci Hickox, a Doctors Without Borders nurse, returned to New Jersey from working with Ebola patients in West Africa in 2014, she was surprised by her reception. Instead of a quiet return to her home in Maine after four weeks on the front line of Ebola treatment, she was quarantined by the State of New Jersey in Newark. She later filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court for violation of her civil rights, false imprisonment, and invasion of privacy.

How To: Recognize alcohol and drug addiction

In this online video you'll get tips for recognizing signs of drug & alcohol addiction from a former addict. John DePalma explains how drugs can affect the brain and the long-term affects of addiction on the body. He explains the symptoms of several types of drug use, from alcohol and marijuana, to harder drugs like cocaine, crystal meth and heroin, and warns of the dangers of abusing prescription drugs like pain killers and anti-anxiety drugs as well. He then explains how to approach an addi...

News: A Brief History of Hacking

Welcome back, my fledgling hackers! Hacking has a long and storied history in the U.S. and around the world. It did not begin yesterday, or even at the advent of the 21st century, but rather dates back at least 40 years. Of course, once the internet migrated to commercial use in the 1990s, hacking went into hyperdrive.

News: 11 Reasons to Not Skip Out on AppleCare+ When Buying a New iPhone

On the surface, AppleCare+ seems like an expensive and gimmicky option to tack onto your already pricey iPhone 11, 11 Pro, or 11 Pro Max. Upon further inspection, however, you'll see that its seemingly expensive price tag is chump change compared to the fees you'll have to pay if you end up having to repair your premium device outside its one-year warranty.

How To: Here's How You Can Make a Real Difference in the Aftermath of the Michael Brown & Eric Garner Grand Jury Decisions

In the aftermath of the unindicted police killings of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, we've been told that the system worked as intended. When our legal system's outcome is at conflict with what a majority of Americans believe is just, it's clear that some changes are needed. But what specifically needs to change? And what can an average citizen with a moral and just cause do to prevent these kinds of tragedies from repeating themselves again and again?

How To: Make a homemade electric chair

Whether you’re pro or con on the death penalty issue, there’s nothing more terrifying than having a real live electric chair in your own home! So you should probably just use these simple steps to create a mock-electric chair to “shock” your guests! This Fear.Net Halloween video shows us how to make a homemade electric chair to frighten the Trick or Treaters this holiday season! Make a homemade electric chair.

News: Play shoe golf!

Shoe Golf is like frisbee golf, but without the frisbee. Just an empty street and your shoes. Our affable host breaks down every part of this brand new game, from scoring to penalties in front of the one of the most beautiful backdrops we've seen. Play shoe golf.

How To: File a Last-Minute 2010 Income Tax Return: Save Money, Get Free Tax Help & More!

Ever since high school, I've been preparing my own taxes. Each year it gets more and more complicated, which results in me filing later and later, avoiding it until I have the time or just can't wait any longer. I even resorted to using TurboTax online to help do some of the grunt work for me these past couple years, but that hasn't stopped me from being lazy about it. I have yet to file my 2010 taxes, but I will very soon. Tomorrow, in fact—before TurboTax raises their prices.

How To: Defend a soccer corner kick

In this sports video tutorial, Adrian Heath, Head Coach of Austin Aztex explains how to defend a soccer corner kick. Corner is awarded to the opponent when the ball goes over the goal line after touching a defender. If the ball is close to the goal post, the goal keeper catches the ball. In case the ball is kicked wide of the goal post and lands in the penalty area, a defender kicks the ball out over the side line or passes to another member of the defending team. If the ball is directed slig...

How To: Play Google’s New Geo-Trivia Maps Game on Android & iOS

Somewhere in a back-end update, Google snuck a Google Maps Trivia game into its mobile Maps apps. The game is accessible through the Google Maps side-navigation menu on Android and iOS (hidden right at the bottom, of course), and it's ready to play right now. It's a rather fun game, too. SmartyPins, as it's called, asks you a series of geography-based trivia questions, where the penalty for wrong answers is deducted in miles. A correct answer within a set amount of time nets you bonus points,...

News: 10 Peculiar Game Rules for Competitive Scrabble Tournaments

The 2011 Toronto International Scrabble Open (TOSI) took place last weekend, with former World Champion Adam Logan beating out all of the human competition for the $3,000 grand prize. But when it came time to take on the Quackle program in the Human vs. Computer Showdown, he lost his first two games and won the last two, ultimately losing with a measly 28-point differential of the combined total scores. But he still came out three grand happier.

News: Rule #1 for Surviving Somali Pirates: Lay Off the Doobie

Though it's unlikely you'll ever have a need for hostage survival skills, it never hurts to take in a few tips on what to do in the event of being accosted by Somali pirates off the Horn of Africa. Wired has tracked down a HowTo guide that addresses such a scenario. Though most of the advice is fairly general, one important point addresses the dangers of lighting up with the enemy:

Palermo: Coming Soon (somewhat) to a theater near you.

If you don't watch Argentine soccer regularly, it's possible that you don't know who Martin Palermo is. He scored Argentina's second goal against Greece yesterday and wrote another page in a story that's bound to be made a movie someday. He's won about 14 titles, scored over 222 goals in Boca Juniors and is their record striker.

News: extreme beer pong

set up just like beer pong but with a jackass twist if you miss you get 30 seconds in the penalty box(portapotty which inside is covered in shit,bloody tampons and piss) while its being rolled down a hill, but if everyone is in the penaly box the contestants will have a group penalty which is they have to rub the bloody tampons on their face. if you make it in the first cup you get away free for the round, make it in the second row and you have to stick the tampons on your forehead for the en...