Wonderful Article Search Results

News: Photo Highlights from the Quadrantid Meteor Shower

If you slept in during the peak of the Quadrantid meteor shower this morning, don't fret, because plenty of early risers did manage to wake up—with their cameras. Even if you did wake up and managed to withstand the cold morning air, you might not have seen anything. Cloud cover could have made it impossible, as well as bright city lights. But some stargazers made it their mission to photograph the Quadrantids, and lucky for you, they did.

News: 5 Bourbon-Spiked Christmas Cookie Recipes

Christmas just wouldn't be the same without cookies. Besides the gifts, it's the one thing that keeps the family (not to mention Santa) coming back each year. As with any family gathering, there's bound to be some chaos this holiday season, but as long as you've got a good supply of Christmas cookies, there should be peace and harmony.

News: 6 Places to Get Canon 5D Help Online

Since our Canon 5D World is just starting out, there's not a lot of activity in the forum. If you have a question about your 5D or 5D Mark II, then ask away. But there are other communities on the Web that already have great information from its members. Hopefully, the Canon 5D World forum will be just as helpful to everyone, but for now, here are some of the best forums on the Internet that can help you with Canon's EOS 5D and 5D Mark II cameras.

News: Oops, New York Times... Why Is Your PayWall So Easy to Hack?

When the New York Times paywall first went up, there was a whole lot of balking. The idea seemed egregious to most, and the digerati's overwhelming conclusion was that the system would fail. But interestingly enough, there is speculation that the NYT is actually experiencing an increase in their print subscriptions, which according to Business Insider founder Henry Blodgett, is due to users feeling less guilt over buying the print media if, after all, the digital version is no longer free.

News: World's First Bend-Sensitive Flexible Smartphone

Apple's iPhone is considered one of the best smartphones in the world. Many cell phone makers have tried to take down the juggernaut, with some Android-based devices coming close, but in order to become an actual iPhone killer, something revolutionary needs to happen in the mobile world. And Human Media Lab (HML) may be the ones to make it happen.

News: 80s SF/Fantasy Revival

The Writers at io9.com have been running through a fantastic series of blog posts, in which they're teaching their readers about the history of great 80s sci-fi and fantasy. Because so much of this is right up my alley, I though I'd aggregate their aggregations, so to speak, and write a little retrospective of my own.

News: Vote Now to Electrocute This Artist

Oleg Mavromati's latest project, Ally/Foe, allows online voters the chance to electrocute the Russian artist at a mere fifty cents a pop. From November 7th to November 13th, viewers of Mavromati's livestream can pay to vote “innocent” or “guilty.” 100 guilty votes result in the artist voluntarily shocking himself in front of the camera, live, with his homemade electrocution machine.

How To: Ask your Inactive Friends to Delete FarmVille

We all have friends and family who have added the FarmVille application at one point, played it for a while, then for whatever reason decided they didn't want to play it anymore. They may have hidden the feed posts and blocked the game requests, but we still see them on our gift lists and certain features still try to get them involved with posts that go ignored (like pregnant pigs or truffles).

News: why people should vote no on Proposition 23

Proposition 23 is the act where they would suspend AB 32, the global warming act of 2006. If proposition 23 is enacted by voter this would pause the porvision of AB 32 until California's unemployment rate drops to a 5.5%. The unemployment rate at this current point is as high as a 12% and has been like that for the exception of 3 times since 1980. supporters call it California Job Anitiative and opponents call it the Dirty Energy Proposition.In this article it states the reason proposition 23...

News: YouthSportTravel.com

There is a wonderful site that just launched with the youth sports community in mind. The site is http://YouthSportTravel.com , a collaboration of youth sports coaches and a major online travel brand. They offer arguably the best prices on hotel and motel rooms anywhere. For proof, I tested a number of locations with www.hotel.com, Expedia and Travelocity in comparison with YouthSportTravel and in each case; YouthSportTravel was equal to or cheaper than the competition. But this is not all th...

News: Rock Band 3 unveiled! (Keyboard!)

Rock Band 3, coming this Fall, was revealed at none other than USA Today. Fully functional 25 key keyboard, 80+ songs including The Doors and Bohemian Rhapsody, Pro mode, updated guitars, and a kitchen sink are included in this new sequel. From the article:In addition to the new keyboard controller, also due for the game's release are two advanced guitar controllers that take advantage of the Pro mode, one a full-sized, fully functional Fender guitar (all sold separately, no prices yet).Other...

News: The Green Kitchen

Alice Waters and The Green Kitchen So what, yes I admit it I am drawn to all things Alice Waters. So sautee me. A new discovery was made today while walking through my local bookstore. I found a sweet looking cookbook with Alice on the cover. Naturally I stopped. The item of my interest was a sort of "how to" cookbook called In The Green Kitchen

News: Null Byte's First Technical Excellence Tutorial Contest Ends Feb. 15, 2016!

As you all know, the first Null Byte Technical Excellence Tutorial Contest ends this coming Monday, Feb. 15, 2016. If you are working on another great article or your first article, try to complete it and submit it before midnight Pacific Standard Time (PST) to be considered in this contest. The winner of this contest will not only receive a certificate verifying the technical excellence of their tutorial, but they will also receive a free copy of the Professional version of the Exploit Pack ...

News: Why does stress occur?

Stress happens because is part of being alive. We all experiences stress even our pets. Stress is there to keep us alert; there are two main types of stress short-term stress and long-term stress. Short term could be (example) when there is a fire you flight or fight response will turn on. You will either stay there of look for your safety. A long-term stress could be the stress that you might deal with a lot of the time from work to your home. It is the complex problems that it seems you can...

How To: 9 Beer-Spiked Recipes for Your Next Cooking Adventure

If you're a beer lover, you can enjoy your passion even more by incorporating your favorite beer flavors into your next cooking experiment. Beer can be included in recipes for meat marinades, frying batter, chili, soups, bread and even dessert. And if you're concerned about getting drunk from these recipes, fear not—most of the alcohol will evaporate in the cooking process. But your dish will be left with a rich, earthy flavor that can only come from beer.

News: Troops needed for crowd control..

Here's another news clip on the Texas Kite Festival. Everything should be OK, right? Apparently, it was so important that police dressed in army uniforms had to force the attendees to buses. Of course we don't know how to go home, right? In addition, there was a helicopter circling overhead. What do you think is happening here? Here's my guess: indoctrination. We are being prepared mentally to accept their presence as a normal thing. What's ahead of us, I wonder.

News: Finding Hidden Metadata in Images (Oh, the Possibilities)

Did you know there is hidden data in your digital pictures? Well, there is, and that data might be a security risk to you. Think back at all of those pictures you're in and are connected with. I'm sure some of those you'd like to distance yourself from. And surely you wouldn't mind checking out the metadata in a few of those images. In this article, we'll be going over how to do just that.