Wonderful Article Search Results

How To: Increase the Number of Push Ups You Can Do

Consistently used in many forms of physical training, the push up has been considered one of the best physical tests of muscular fitness and endurance. Namely known for its use in the military as well as other physically demanding activities such as boxing and the martial arts, the push up is necessary for any physical examination in which many struggle with.

How To: Jump Start a Car

We've all been there before: We're in a hurry to get somewhere (often in bad weather), so we get in the car, turn the key in the ignition and.....WHUH! WHUH! WHUH! The darned battery is dead! After a stream of choice expletives (that is, if you're anything like me....;o)), we open the trunk and take out the jumper cables - but what if we don't know how to use them? Even if we do, we can often forget such things in crisis situations when we're pressed for time.

How To: Choose a Speech or Writing Topic

Whether you're a student, a toastmaster, just writing, or making articles on WonderHowTo, you will have to come up with a topic. The topic should be able to guide you to some of the things you want people to know about. Here are some ways that you can can come up with a topic.

How To: Make a Cheap iPod Projector and Screen

This article will teach you how to make an iPod video projector for about $6 (depending on what materials you have) that works pretty well. First off, you need to gather your materials. I had everything except the magnifying glass, which I bought for $3.

How To: Change Rear Disc Brakes on a 2001 Chrysler Town & Country Minivan

Changing the rear disc brakes on your 2001 Chrysler Town & Country (henceforth referred to as T&C) can be quite a challenge, but if you can spare a few hours (remember that you need to budget time to get the brake parts from the parts house) and are willing to get a little dirt on your hands, then you can save quite a bit of coinage!!! If after reading this article you do not feel like you can safely change your brakes, then bring your vehicle to a repair shop and let a professional do the jo...

News: Comics, Why Aren't You Reading Them?

Well, why aren't you? They're all the rage in pop culture right now, what with The Avengers blowing away audiences and the finale to the Batman trilogy coming out soon. Not to mention that Marvel is remaking Spider-Man! The original is only like, what, less than ten years old? Jeez. Now, I know what you're saying, "But, Henry! Comics are for nerds! We're waaaay cooler than that!"

Changing Positions: Flip Flopping

Politics(the Government) is built to accomplish a few things: maintaining order, providing necessities, operating businesses (stimulating the economy, trade), maintaining public relations and the most important of all, protecting the rights of the individuals it governs. It has a broad role, and as such, an array of bills, laws and rules to regulate itself and the country.

How To: How Red-light Cameras Work

As you may have seen in your city or town, red light cameras are on the rise in the United States. In many instances in my area, these cameras have sprung up seemingly out of no-where, and mostly without any reason. Over use of these systems can make privacy (even on the road) a fleeting possibility.

DIY Scientists Beware: When NOT to Use Household Chemicals for Your Projects

The only thing better than successfully pulling off a new experiment is doing it with household materials. You get to laugh in conceit as professional scientists everywhere spend all their grant money on the same project you just accomplished with some under-the-sink chemicals! However, there are times when DIY gets dangerous. Some household chemicals are not pure enough to use and some are just pure dangerous. Let's take a look at two problems I have encountered in the course of mad sciencing.

News: Obama's Rise

So far, I've talked a lot about what's going on in the world around us, but it's time I come back to politics for a bit. That said, the name of this world is somewhat misleading, in the sense that I talk about everything, not just politics! But I digress again.

Hide Your Secrets: How to Password-Lock a Folder in Windows 7 with No Additional Software

Today's guide is on creating a password protected folder on Windows 7 without any additional software. Yes, you heard that right. No extra software at all! This guide is intended for beginners. But please note, this method should not be used to store financial or otherwise highly confidential material. It might be a good place to hide a planning document for a family member's birthday party or similar occasion where you need to keep something secret temporarily.

How To: Understand The Process of Inflammation

In each day of our life, we see inflammation. We see it during sore throats and abscess formations in our bodies, and even slight tooth pain is a form of inflammation. Sometimes it's good when it fights to protect us from invading organisms, but sometimes it becomes bad when it occurs in inappropriate ways, like acne.

Weekend Homework: How to Become a Null Byte Contributor (2/10/2012)

We're officially seeking Null Byters on a weekly basis who are willing to take the time to educate the community. Contributors will write tutorials, which will be featured on the Null Byte blog, as well as the front page of WonderHowTo (IF up to par, of course). There is no need to be intimidated if you fear you lack the writing skills. I will edit your drafts if necessary and get them looking top-notch! You can write tutorials on any skill level, and about anything you feel like sharing that...

How to Pick Locks: Unlocking Pin and Tumbler Deadbolts

Lock picking is defined by locksmiths as "the art of opening a lock without the key". There's many ways to accomplish this, but I'm specifically interested in using a lock pick set. Since locks vary in shapes and size, it's better to stick with just one kind of lock at first. Most locks are based on fairly similar concepts, so sharing methods across locks is possible.

Weekend Homework: How to Become a Null Byte Contributor (2/3/2012)

We're officially seeking Null Byters on a weekly basis who are willing to take the time to educate the community. Contributors will write tutorials, which will be featured on the Null Byte blog, as well as the front page of WonderHowTo (IF up to par, of course). There is no need to be intimidated if you fear you lack the writing skills. I will edit your drafts if necessary and get them looking top-notch! You can write tutorials on any skill level, and about anything you feel like sharing that...

How To: Make a Prank Stun-Baton

In this article, I'll show you how to make a portable prank stun-baton. Powered by static electricity, simply charge up the baton, and discharge it for a static surprise. The concept behind this device ties in with Leyden jars, and their tendencies to retain static electricity.

Weekend Homework: How to Become a Null Byte Contributor

We're officially seeking Null Byters on a weekly basis who would enjoy taking their time to educate the community. Contributors will write tutorials, which will be featured on the Null Byte blog, as well as the front page of WonderHowTo (if up to par, of course). This is a job meant for anyone with the will to share knowledge. There is no need to be intimidated if you fear you lack the writing skills. I will edit your drafts if necessary and get them looking top-notch! You can write tutorials...

How To: Create an Automatic Obsidian Generator in Minecraft

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server. Mining obsidian is not only time consuming, but dangerous. Looking for caves with obsidian and risking death by creeper, zombie, or lava just isn't worth it sometimes. Luckily, obsidian can be farmed, just like cobblestone! You'll no longer need to put your life on the line for this most-indestructible of building materials.