Workings Search Results

Dev Report: Some Light Shed on Magic Leap's Persistent Object Locations Solution but Many Mysteries Remain

With the reveal of Magic Leap's developer documentation last week, many questions have been answered—and several new ones have been raised as well. But since the Magic Leap One (ML1) isn't simply called the "Leap One," these are questions that the company probably has no interest (at least for now) in answering. Understandably, Magic Leap wants to keep some of the "magic" under wraps.

Hack Like a Pro: How to Build Your Own Exploits, Part 3 (Fuzzing with Spike to Find Overflows)

Welcome back, my hacker novitiates! In the previous two posts in this series, we looked at the basics of buffer overflows. In this post, we will look at one technique for finding buffer overflows. We will try to send random, oversized, and invalid data at a variable to see whether we can make it crash or overflow. This process is known as fuzzing. It is often the first step to developing an exploit, as we need to find some variable that is susceptible to overflowing.

Hack Like a Pro: Digital Forensics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 7 (Windows Sysinternals)

Welcome back, my aspiring hackers! In many of my earlier tutorials, I mentioned the complementary nature of hacking and forensics. Both disciplines, hacking and forensics, benefit from a knowledge of the other. In many cases, both disciplines will use the same tool. In this tutorial, we will use another tool that can be used in either discipline—Sysinternals—a suite of tools developed by Mark Russinovich.

News: What to Expect from Null Byte in 2015

Welcome back, my greenhorn hackers, and happy New Year! Now that your heads have recovered from your New Year's Eve regaling, I'd like to grab your attention for just a moment to preview 2015 here at Null Byte. I hope you will add your comments as to what you would like to see, and I'll try to honor as many requests as I can.

How To: Calculate Tips Faster on Your iPhone Using the Shortcuts App

When it's time to calculate a tip at a restaurant or bar, I usually try some mental math at first, but sometimes I resort to opening the Calculator quickly from the Control Center on my iPhone and doing a quick calculation. But with Apple's Shortcuts app, there's an even easier way, and you don't even have to leave your lock screen to get the results.

How To: Build and play a theremin

In this series of expert video clips, learn more about the theremin. Our expert goes into detail about what makes up the complicated workings of the theremin including the coils and other components. Get a full history on the musical instrument and learn about the many uses of a theremin. What makes a theremin sound so special? Get answers to this question and many more in our expert instructional videos.

How To: Be your own locksmith

Jim Koch has worked as a repo man and a locksmith. He gives you an insider's perspective on how to theft-proof your home by setting up surveillance systems and engraving your possessions. He also explains the basic workings of several kinds of locks and how to pick them. So next time you like lose your keys, you'll know exactly how to get in. And how to keep Big and his friends out.

How To: Use the brush engine in Photoshop

The brush engine was developed back in Photoshop 7 (before CS) and is what makes Photoshop a true painting program and revolutionized the way Photoshop works. In the longest episode of PixelPerfect yet, Bert explains and demonstrates the inner workings of the brush engine. This is a great tutorial for those that are new to Photoshop. Use the brush engine in Photoshop.

News: Massive Leak! Wikileaks publishes Stratfor emails.

Monday 27 February, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files – more than five million emails from the Texas-headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The emails date from between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agenc...