Workouts Match Search Results

How To: Turn a flashlight into a laser

Kipkay demonstrates how to extract the laser from a DVD burner and mount it in a small flashlight to create a handheld laser burner that can light matches and burst balloons, all in this how-to video. All you need is a 16x DVD burner, a laser housing, and a flashlight. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to modify a flashlight into a relatively strong laser.

How To: Play the Be A Goalkeeper feature of FIFA 11 on the Xbox 360

In FIFA 11 there's a feature that's a first for the series called "Be The Goalkeeper" which allows you play an entire match as the keeper, all 90 minutes of it! You can do things such as call out plays and also defend the goal and perform various goalkeeping techniques. In this video you will get a basic overview of how to play the mode and what you can do in it.

How To: Fold a piece of paper into an origami crane

Want to add an avian specimen to your paper menagerie? Have extra paper and time to match? This video tutorial presents a complete, step-by-step overview of how to make a crane using origami, the traditional Japanese folk art of paper folding. For more information, and to get started making your own paper birds, watch this arts-and-crafts guide.

How To: Make a matchstick stand up on its head

Is it magic or is it an illusion? See for yourself when you watch this video tutorial on how to make a matchstick stand up on its head. There's an easy solution to this magic trick, easier than you think. You don't need to be a magician to perform this match standing on its head trick. Anyone can do it!

How To: Use dandelion tinder to make a fire

Need to make a survival fire, but don't have any matches and your lighter is out of fluid. Fear not, this how-to video can help. An empty flintwheel lighter can save the day when you need a fire. Dandelion seed puffs can be the perfect tinder for your spark. Watch this video tutorial to see how it works & learn a great survival tip.

How To: Make your fingers smoke

Are you so hot you're smokin'? Well you will be if you can pull the magic trick in this how-to video off! Watch this instructional video and see just how to make your fingers smoke. This trick can be tried out any time you've got a box of matches and a water faucet handy.

How To: Customize Your Weekly & Daily Goals in MyFitnessPal

When you set up your MyFitnessPal account for the first time, it asks for a checklist of personal info to create nutrition and fitness goals for you. Whatever you decide then, it's important to know that the goals provided to you are not fixed. If your doctor or nutritionist recommends a new plan, or you simply want to change up your routine, you can customize your weekly and daily goals.

News: New App Makes Networking More Like Online Dating

Shapr is a new networking app that aims to help professionals connect more efficiently, and draws much of its format from dating-focused social networking apps. Shapr could be especially useful for those who have recently moved into their industry or location, and for those seeking employers or employees. For example, the app already has 65,000 users just in New York City alone.

How To: Reorder Profiles & Reset Matches in Tinder

The modern age of techno-dating has made an interesting landscape for social interactions when there is some modicum of romance (or lust). For those of us born before the internet evolved into the prolific monster it has become, we first met our love interests face to face. Today, however, apps like Tinder have changed the introductory stage, for better or worse.

How To: Get the Megan Fox retro pinup look

In this video, we learn how to get the Megan Fox retro pinup look. First, apply a white shadow all over the lid and underneath the eyebrows. From here, brush a tan color over the top and then take a color that matches your hair color and brush it into your brows to match the color. After this, apply a gray eyeliner to the waterline on the top of the eye. Next, brush a darker gray color over this and flare the edges out on the sides. Brush this on the bottom lash line and then apply mascara on...

How To: Play a matchplay challenge game in World Golf Tour

In this video, we learn how to play a match play challenge game in World Golf Tour. This is where you can challenge other players and earn credits from the other player. Play players that are in the same tier or have similar skill level. To play, select the match play challenge option from the main menu. From the game lobby, select the play for credits option and enter in the minimum or what amount you'd like. From here, click "submit" and then start to play your game. As soon as you finish y...

How To: Mix & match vintage clothing pieces

In this tutorial, we learn how to mix and match vintage clothing pieces. First off, if you have a 1940's style juniors dress, you can pair it with knee highs and vintage heels. You can also wear it with a modern cardigan. Next, if you have a 1905's style floral dress, you can pair it with a small modern red belt. Next, if you have a 50's inspired dress, you can pair it with tights and a tiara headband. If you have a 1950's day dress, you can pair it with kitten heels to make a more modern loo...

How To: Prepare a survival tin for camping

In order to prepare a survival tin for camping, you will need the following: water purification, condoms, brass wire, a candle, a magnifying glass, waterproof matches, cotton balls, fishing hooks, small compass, whistles, fishing line, and empty tobacco tin, and artificial worms.

How To: Do a killer upper chest workout

First of all you have to understand that this exercise is very versatile and you can actually target different areas of your chest just by twisting your wrists. First of all lie down on the bench and hold the dumbbells in your hands. You can do this upper chest exercise to build your upper chest muscles using dumbbells. Now bring your dumbbells down and then again take them up. While bringing your dumbbells you have to twist your wrists towards inside such that your palms are facing away from...

How To: Do pushups on your coffee table

Rick Pitts takes us through how to do a push up using a coffee table. First, he starts by doing a push up for shoulders and triceps. You do this by placing your hands slightly wider than shoulders with fingers pointing forward. Keep your elbows near body as you lower yourself towards the table.

How To: Boil water using an almond

With the use of these items: an almond, a wired, tin foil filled with water, and matches, it is possible to boil water and cook over an almond. A wire is needed to tie around the almond so the almond is above your work area. Then, light the almond on fire using the matches. Hold the tin foil filled with water above the burning almond for a minute or so and the water should begin to boil. It is also possible to use a tin pan and cook items such as a mini pancake. The almond will burn for about...

How To: Perform a cross-court shot in raquetball

This video demonstrates the cross court backhand shot in a Racquetball match. It demonstrates the proper form and timing in an actual racquetball match. It provides helpful tips: for example, the cross court backhand shot should be employed strategically. The best time to consider using the cross court backhand shot is when you see your opponent leaning on the down line: i.e. use the cross court backhand, if it appears that your opponent has already committed to a line of attack. If it appear...

How To: Stage your bathroom & bedroom to sell your home

Ilyce Glink discusses the way to make your house more marketable by improving the look of your bathroom through furnishings and potentially coordinating this with your bedroom. She also proclaims that this can be done with small purchases! She discusses how the bathroom can be an easy sale to a potential buyer but purchases like small decorative soaps or matching towels can go a long way. Matching items like your floor rug and shower curtain can catch an eye. As for your bedroom, adding lamps...

How To: Lift your spirits with feng shui in your home

Elizabeth Chamberlain with Space Lift demonstrates how to lift your spirits with feng shui in your home. First, find your focus room with your energy map. Lay the energy map on top of your home floor plan and see that the self knowledge area is in the lower left section of your home along the line of your front door. In this case, the self knowledge area is the bedroom closet. There's no hiding in feng shui. You can't throw stuff into a closet and hope that it won't affect you. Clutter clogs ...

How To: Specify exact match and range in GREP using InDesign

Lyndapodcast, teaches you, via InDesign expert and graphic designer Michael Murphy, teaches you how to specify exact match and range in GREP using InDesign. Use CTRL + F and then choose the GREP tab. Go to the special characters menu to the right and under Wildcards choose Any Digit. After \d you can add \d again, but you should use \d[2] for double digits. For two or more digits use \d[2,]. You can also use \d[3,] for three or more digits. The last operation is \d[2,4] which gives you a mini...

How To: Do ab exercises for beginners

This video from fitness trainer Yuri Elkaim demonstrates a core workout for the absolute beginner. These exercises are good for people who have never worked out or who have sore back. He explains abdominal bracing, which adds stability to the core and spine, and works the muscles by contracting them. The first exercise is a bird dog. Get on your hands and knees and relax your spine and do an abdominal brace. Clench one fist and put that arm and the opposite leg out to the side, hold for five ...

How To: Do simple ab workouts to get a ripped six pack

CobraWorkout teaches you how to do simple ab workouts to get a ripped six pack. For the first exercise lay down on your back, heels on the floor, take a medicine ball between your hands. Then angle your body at 45 degrees from the ground and twist it to the left and to the back. Do this 15 times and go straight to the next exercise. This involves getting on the side and having your feet in the air, while moving your upper body up and down. Do 25 repetitions on each side. For the third exercis...

How To: Match quadratic functions

This is the demo showing how match quadratic equations in the graphs. Plug in x=0. So everything with x cannot disappear. There is only one negative three in the equations. Let's look at the equations that has the four as y in the set. One of the difference between each equations are the negative in front of the x square and not in the second one. B is the set which opens down and C is the set which opens. Now lets look zero as y on each set. Both of them are opened. Let's look at X intercepts.

How To: Have a flat stomach with an ab workout routine

This video is about having a flat stomach with an ab workout routine. Fit tip of the day-4 omega 3 foods which are salmon, avocado, olive oil and almonds. Flat abs-feet flat with abs pulled down flat. Put your hands behind your head. Exhale out for 10 repetitions. Cross over and crunch, squeeze, exhale when you come up. 10 repetitions on each side. Don't release the abs. Keep them tight. Come straight up. Finish off with bicycles. 10 repetitions. Stretch out. Hold yourself up, stretch it back...