World Wide Warming Search Results

Linux: Where Do I Start?

Greetings, my friend. Welcome to Null Byte. I am Dr. Crashdump. Linux will be talked about a lot in Null Byte. It's used in most tutorials on this site, actually. You should learn how to use Linux as soon as possible, but where do you start? No worries. Let's figure that out.

Hack Like a Pro: How to Save the World from Nuclear Annihilation

Welcome back, my newbie hackers! Hackers often are associated with clandestine and illegal activity, but that is not necessarily always the case. Hackers are increasingly being used and employed for law enforcement, national security, and other legitimate purposes. In this installment, we will look at how a single hacker could save the world from nuclear annihilation.

How To: Weave a suit of elven chain mail

This tutorial shows you how to make an elven style of chainmail. This is an intricate style of chainmail that is nevertheless very sturdy and gives good coverage. Good for anyone looking to make their own armor for Renaissance Faires, larps, the SCA or other historial costuming events.

How To: Make a hedge row jam with the hawthorne berry

Hawthorne berries are a fantastic super food that you can find right in your own backyard! (in some areas of the world) Especially in the UK, you can find them everywhere! You can even use the leaves to make a great tea and they're edible! In this video you will learn how to make an amazing Hedge Row Jam/Jelly with Hawthorne berries, Crab apples and Elderberries.

How To: Create Underwater Glass Structures and Buildings in Minecraft

If you've been around either the multiplayer worlds or have been watching videos on other video websites, you may have noticed that some people have started creating underwater glass structures and buildings in their game! If you're curious how, this video will show you! You will get a full walkthrough of what materials you will need and what the build orders are.

How To: Use the new Google instant search feature

Google is always moving one step closer to pretty much controlling everything in the world, in a good way ofcourse! The latest feature added is Google Instant Search, so for anything that you're searching all you have to do is start typing in the search term and Google will immediately begin giving you results on the fly. In this video you will get a quick hands on demo on how to use the new feature.

How To: Build a cheap steady cam rig or fig rig

Steady cam rigs allow you to film really great smooth footage, but they cost about $300. If you're too lazy to make one yourself that is! This video will show you how to make a cheap substitute called a fig rig using $30 dollars worth of materials. Now you can finally push beyond handheld to the world of professional-looking video.

How To: Use a blind carbon copy for email

A blind carbon copy (or BCC) is a way to send a mass email without letting your recipient see the other email addresses on your list. This computer skill is important in the business world, where privacy is prized. Hiding the addresses when sending your secret message is a useful technique you can use for any email program.

How To: Optimize Google's crawl of your website without using robots.txt

Google is one of the most powerful forces on the Internet, and their technology can be the key to helping you find success in whatever your online endeavor might be, from web design to filmmaking. This video is a part of their Google Webmaster Series, offering help to webmasters the world over on how to best utilize Google in their work. This video will show you how to ensure that Google crawls a particular section of your site without using any robots.txt.

How To: Save the Bee Population from Colony Collapse Disorder

The bee population is in trouble. Colony Collapse Disorder is a mysterious malady that is decimating bee colonies all the country and could kill them completely, which would leave all of the plants and honey-loving people of the world in serious trouble. This video will give you some tips for encouraging the bee population, which is really one of the most green things you can do in this, the bees' time of need.

How To: Make classic American southern fried chicken

In Epicurious' "Around the World" series, we stop by South Carolina to test out a classic American recipe - southern fried chicken. In this how-to video, you'll learn how to marinate, batter, and fry chicken in a most delicious manner. Your guests will be clamoring for second and third helpings of this fried chicken.

How To: Simulate the sound of the vuvuzela

Does the sound of the vuvuzela fire up your passion like it does for the South Africa supporters at this year's World Cup? Do you wish you could hear their divine drone more often? This video will teach you how to create a vuvuzela-like sound using common household items: a balloon and some hex nuts. If you can't get the real thing, this will be a good substitute if you think your life needs a little more noise.