Worship Someone's Search Results

How To: Tell someone that it's nice to meet them in Spanish

In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to ask how to tell someone that it's nice to meet him or her. Interested in learning Spanish but haven't got the time to take a weekly class? No problemo! The Internet is awash in free, high-quality video lessons like this one. For more information, and to get started using this phrase yourself, watch this helpful video guide for Spanish students.

How To: Ask someone what his or her name is in Spanish

In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to ask how someone what his or her name is in perfect Spanish. Interested in learning Spanish but haven't got the time to take a weekly class? No problemo! The Internet is awash in free, high-quality video lessons like this one. For more information, and to get started using this phrase yourself, watch this helpful video guide for Spanish students.

How To: Prank someone's computer by creating a fake wallpaper

Does one of your coworkers at the office really make you mad? Do you want to mess with them at the office without having to destroy any property? This video can help. It will show you how to quickly create a fake wallpaper on someone's computer with Windows XP, which will infuriate them for a long time if they aren't very computer-saavy or familiar with this prank. Try it out and marvel at the hilarious results.

How To: Unlock any T-Mobile Google G1 Android phone for free

In this tutorial, learn how to save yourself the money you'd pay someone to unlock your Google G1 phone from T-Mobile and do it yourself in just a few quick minutes. This is actually a very easy process and this clip will walk you through the process step by step so you can freely use your phone on any network and not be limited to T-Mobile. This is also helpful if you wish to give away or sell your phone to someone on a new network.

How To: Say 'hello' to someone in French

This video teaches you how to say hello to someone in French. When you approach a female, you should say “Bonjour, Madame”. The first word has two (2) syllables. The first syllable is pronounced the same as the word bone is pronounced in English. The second syllable of the first word is pronounced like the English word Jew: i.e. bone-Jew. The j sound in Jew should be overly exaggerated. To say hello to a male, you should say “Bonjour, Monsieur”. This is a formal way to say hello.

How To: Be a good kisser

Nine out of ten people say they would refuse to date someone who is a bad kisser, while one out of five say they’d date someone unattractive if that person was a great kisser. So let’s get started. You will need a practice partner, fresh breath, and lots of moves. Tip: keep it wet, but not a wash out. Nobody likes to be slobbered on. For men, try holding her face in your hands as you kiss her - women love that!

How To: Hack wifi using Wireshark

If you're trying to hack someone's wifi, a useful bit of software you may want to try is called Wireshark. Wireshark is a wifi packet sniffer, which is an essential step in actually breaking into someone's wireless system. Of course, this is illegal, so make sure you're only doing it to test a network's security, or for your own educational purposes. Check out the video, follow the steps and see how secure network is. Hack, hack, hack!

How To: Use romantic phrases in Brazilian Portuguese

In this tutorial, we learn how to use romantic phrases in Brazilian Portuguese. These are common phrases that anyone can learn, and can help you in everyday Brazilian Portuguese speech. When you are wanting to compliment someone or tell them something romantic, you can say a number of different things. The word "lu" is another word for love, so you could use this my saying "mi lu, linda" which would be "my love, Linda". To say "you are very pretty/cute" you would say "voce e muito linda". To ...

How To: Use imperatives or reporting verbs in English speech

In this tutorial, we learn how to speak English: Imperatives or reporting verbs. Imperative sentences are sentences like "open it!", where you are asking someone to perform an action. You can also say this in a nice fashion, asking "please open it". There are many different forms of imperative sentences, which include: commands/orders, directions, instructions, requests, and warnings. All of these different types of sentences are asking someone to do something, just changing up the way they d...

How To: Fake break in to someone's car for a prank

If you have a friend who always leaves their valuable possession out in their car, where anyone can see them and only need break into the car to take them, you owe this prank to them to teach them a lesson. Get some broken glass and a key to their car, wait until they're out of the car and have left their stuff there, then take the stuff, roll their window down, and leave the glass around the window. When they return, they'll think someone broke into their car and robbed it. Really, it was yo...

How To: Repair your washing machine pump, motor, and couplers

Calling someone to come out and repair your washing machine, can cost you quite a bit of money. So avoid having to call someone and do it yourself! With this helpful tutorial, you'll find out how to repair your washing machine's pump, motor, and couplers all in one video. You'll also find out how to remove the body of the machine as well as other parts. So good luck and enjoy!

How To: Frost a cake properly

One of the nicest things you can do on someone's big day is to make them a homemade cake. In this tutorial, learn exactly how to frost that cake you just made so that it looks beautiful for someone's birthday. By frosting with the proper techniques, your cake will look like a pro designed it, even though you made it at home.

How To: Play the guitar solos from Pink Floyd's "Money"

When learning to play a piece on the guitar, nothing can really compete with a good tutorial video. Sure, you could have someone show you in person — once or twice, mayb — but you can only ask someone to repeat something so many times before embarrassment sets in. With this particular three-part free video guitar lesson, you'll learn how to play the solos to Pink Floyd's song "Money" from their seminal 1973 album, The Dark Side of the Moon. Enjoy! (And feel free to rewind as necessary.)

How To: Execute simple card forces

This video starts off with a neat optical illusion that he uses to demonstrate the effectiveness of force card tricks. He shows a piece of paper with "Paris in the the spring" written on it, most people's mind will skip over the second "the" and will read it, "Paris in the spring." He then goes on to demonstrate a shuffling trick that allows you keep a hold of a given card while shuffling. Finally the presenter explains the difference between asking someone to "Pick a card" and asking someone...

How To: Prank and screw with people in the bathroom

When someone uses a public restroom (former Idaho Representatives aside) they expect a degree of separation, the ability to wander in and move through the experience taking as little notice of their fellow excretors. Why not interrupt that flow and make some people cringe? This video will show you how to pull some great pranks while using a public bathroom. You could probably give someone hang-ups for a long time if you try some of these on the right person.

How To: Secure MS Word documents with Digital Signatures

Securing Microsoft Office Word 2007 documents with Digital Signatures - When you receive a document that has been signed by someone you know, you are more likely to trust the contents than those of a document that has not been signed, or has been signed with an unfamiliar signature. Signing a document validates it to someone who recognizes your signature, now add the same degree of integrity to your documents in Microsoft Office Word 2007 thanks to the new Digital Signatures feature. For more...

How To: Eye gouge someone in self defense

This is the #1 Self Defense Technique for Women's Self Defense or for anyone for that matter. Even with over 20 years of martial arts training I myself would use this technique because it is by far the most effective and delivers the outcome we want ,which is to be released or to provide means to escape. Think about it, could someone attack you and defend their own eyes while not obscuring their own eye site? Also in the event of a confrontation the eyes will most likely come available at one...

News: 'The Book of Alien' Print Book Uses AR to Teach You How to Survive Xenomorphs & Facehuggers on Earth

The latest installment in the Alien movie franchise, Alien: Covenant, came out many months ago, and the fan day dedicated to the franchise, Alien Day, April 26, is long past. But for many Alien fans, Alien Day is every day. For those loyal members of the xenomorph-worshipping tribe, a new augmented reality-powered book has arrived to serve their science fiction needs until the next film is released.

How To: Make a two-piece custom menu in LittleBigPlanet 2

The first thing someone sees when they start a video game (after the studio cards and legal info, technically) is the start menu. Having an intuitive, attractive one is a great way to affect people's first impressions of you game, in LittleBigPlanet 2 and elsewhere. This video will teach you how to make an awesome two-piece selection menu for your custom game and guide players exactly where they want to go.

How To: Set up a hidden camera system

This video shows you how to set up a mini wireless spy cam. Where you put it is up to you. Who you spy on is up to you. If you're wanting to keep an extra set of eyes on someone, watch and learn. So whether you're looking to put a camera in your bathroom or garage, go for it.

How To: Find all hidden spiders on Hobgoblin in Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

If you're struggling to find all the hidden spiders on Hobgoblins level, you're in luck! Some can be pretty tricky due to specific circumstances that you will need to meet and some are harder to find if someone doesn't tell you about them. In this video you will get a full walkthrough of each spider location as well as commentary explaining each location and the circumstances you will need to put yourself in to get them.