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News: +Tyler Neylon Creates 50 Models with 50 Legos

+Tyler Neylon, a programmer and mathematician currently specializing in iOS app development, recently posted a fun project to his Google+ profile: 50 designs with 50 LEGO pieces, a set of 51 photos. Given a small 50-piece Lego set this past Christmas (well, Tyler admits: "...58 [pieces], actually, but many of them are very small, as you can see"), he craftily stretched his imagination to create 50 different models, though the kit included instructions for only 3.

How To: Your DIY Bug Repellent Guide to Common Household Pests

Contrary to popular belief, eliminating household pests from your home can be accomplished without completely bombing your living space with a mess of toxic fumes. Whether you have annoying fruit flies in the kitchen, fleas on your beloved pet or silverfish lurking around your bathroom, it is very likely that a DIY, non-toxic and super inexpensive solution exists for your household bug problem.

How To: 6 Easy Recipes for Removing Nasty Stains

What do you do when you accidentally stain your favorite article of clothing with coffee, red wine, or pasta sauce? If you aren't within immediate reach of laundry detergent or commercial stain removers, you can use many common household staples such as baking soda and white vinegar to remove the offending stains right away—sometimes even better than their commercial counterparts.

How To: Be a Navy SEAL

There's no doubt about it—the most elite military force in the United States is hands down, the Navy SEALs. They can operate at sea, in the air and on land, and their ability to conduct missions underwater separates them from most other military units in the world. They've fought in World War II, Vietnam, Granada, Afghanistan and Iraq, but have gained some serious hype in recent years thanks to SEAL Team Six, aka DEVGRU, aka NSWDG, who saved Captain Richard Phillips from Somali Pirates in 200...

News: Dear Johnny, Looney Toons style stunt!

I know the contest is over, but I have an idea anyway! Take one of the crew, oh say, Ehren for example, and give him a parachute and place him about 40-50 ft in the air. Tell him that his mission is to jump, delpoy his chute and navigate over a pond to the other side. Except fill his chute with silverware wrapped in a blanket like in Looney Toons!! I couldn't draw a picture because I only have paint and it sucks. I'm sure you could tweek it and make it better, but I know if you guys did it yo...

News: ShouldIChangeMyPassword.com

Unless you avoid the news entirely, you've almost certainly heard about the hacking sprees that have been taking place over the past several weeks. Tens of thousands of usernames, passwords and email addresses have been released online for anyone to download. Thankfully, it seems that one kind soul has put all that compromised info to good use.

How To: Embrace the Blur

This is a continuation of a previous post about getting "unfocused" with your DSLR. We all work hard to get pictures that are sharp and have perfect focus. Maybe we’re missing the forest for the trees. Think about mood, color, ideas—in other words, not your gear.

News: The World's Most Expensive Video Games and Consoles Ever

Most of the indie and vintage games discussed in Indie Games Ichiban are pretty cheap to purchase. They rarely top twenty bucks, which is one of the major advantages independent games have against their sixty-buck, major league counterparts. But if you think $60 for a game and $300 for a PS3 or Xbox 360 seems like a lot, then you haven't played Steel Battalion or seen the TurboExpress. They go above and beyond what normal gamers are willing to spend for questionably entertaining products. Her...

News: Automatically Manage and Sort Files Using Hazel [Mac]

In many of my articles, I will refer to applications designed to empower Mac users to automate various tasks on their computer. One such application is called Hazel. Like smart folders, smart playlists, and smart albums found in Mac OS X and iPhoto, Hazel can automate the task of moving, copying, or deleting files in folders on your Mac. I recommend Hazel as one of the most essential applications for any Mac user. Let's explore how it works.

Adult Swim Games: It's Not Just for Aqua Teen Anymore

The days of having to pay for video games are over. Generally, retail games are better because they're made with more effort and care than their free counterparts. But free browser-based game sites are insanely popular, specifically Kongregate, Armor Games, and the grandaddy of them all—NewGrounds. Despite not receiving funds directly from the players, they’ve become a profitable niche in the games industry. And that popularity has attracted more talent and money to the production of web game...

How To: Create Strong, Safe Passwords

Movies like to show hackers breaking passwords with fancy software and ludicrous gadgets. The reality of busting passwords open is much more mundane. Simple as it may sound, most passwords are broken purely by guesswork. Check out this infographic from ZoneAlarm, as well as this list from the Wall Street Journal of the fifty most common passwords gleaned from the 2010 Gawker hack. If your password is on one of those lists, you need to change it. Right now.

News: Origami X-Ray Skeletons of Endangered Animals

The ancient craft of origami gets an update in Oritsunagumono, where environmentalism meets photoelectricity for the first time. Its name translates into "things folded and connected," and its agenda aims to bring awareness of the environmental impact of pollution to native marine wildlife in Japan's coastal waterways.

How To: Prepare Moringa Tea

Moringa oleifera is one of the most rich sources of nutrients and vitamins that our body needs. It is rich in calcium, potassium, beta-carotene, Vitamin C, and iron. Moringa can be prepared as a vegetable or included in soups, but mostly just the leaves and fruits are used. Others prefer to drink it as tea.

How To: use a MRE (MEAL,READY-TO-EAT) Heater

Warnings Vapors released by heater contain hydrogen,a flammable gas do not epose to open flame,vapors displace oxygen when using multiple heaters,ensure proper ventilation such as open door or top hatch.MRE and heater will get very hot can cause burns discard heater after use Do not drink water or use in food item's.

News: DIY Video Chat Robot Lets You Be Two Places at Once

Want to keep an eye on your home while on vacation? Terrorize your family pet while at work? A homespun telepresence robot might be just the ticket! Luckily, thanks to shrinking hardware costs and the efforts of renowned hardware hacker Johnny Chung Lee, building a physical avatar has never been easier! Lee's robot has two important parts: an iRobot Create and a lightweight netbook running Skype. Notable extras include a wide-angle lens and a plastic stand to raise the computer to tabletop he...

News: Print Your Own Photorealistic Gadget Pouches

If you've yet to stumble across Photojojo, it's an awesomely addictive web newsletter for all photography junkies. I'm especially loving their recent photorealistic gadget pouch project because the finished product looks incredibly pro and as Photojojo keenly comments, "We’ve been seeing these little pouches in hipster gift stores that look like tacos, cassette tapes, pizza, etc. And we thought, 'That’s so easy, we could totally make those ourselves!'” Right on. The project is indeed easy to ...

Brilliant Business Idea: Sell Cookies Like a Crack Dealer

Sometimes entrepreneurial inspiration comes from the oddest of places— such as, say, down-and-out crack dealer delivery methods. Inspired by HBO's The Wire, Kathleen and Clem of Fat Cookies are attracting a crowd with an atypical model for vending baked goods: oven fresh cookies are lowered via string in exchange for one hoisted dollar (1. pull a string, 2. attach a dollar, 3. get a cookie).