Yanukovych's Kremlin Backed Search Results

How To: Create a quick and easy faux-hawk hair do

In this video Kandee will show you how to create the perfect fast, and easy faux hair do. First start by blow drying the top of your hair going from the front and sides up and to the back. Next take a comb and start teasing it by brushing from the base up going from the back of your head to the front. Once you have it properly teased start take you hair in sections and pull them up and then bobby pin them down going from front to back. Finally tease up the back and hair spray to finish!

How To: Perform and give a good back massage

You have to do the rising moves which works on three different sections of the body which are the sides, spine, muscles at the top of your back and the shoulders. You have to spread the oil on the back. Then you have to warm up the muscles. The first move is very straight forward. You have to start at the bottom of the spine. Then move over the spine and then down the sides. This you have to perform in three steps. First you have to massage at the top, then the shoulders and the back of the s...

How To: Do an Arabian 180 backflip

Epic1 demonstrates how to perform an Arabian 180 back flip. Use a tucking motion when performing the Arabian. Use an up, turn and front flip motion when doing this stunt. The feet will pivot during the execution of the Arabian. Get your back flips down before performing the Arabian. A good trampoline and a foam pit will help you. Be careful of your distance and control because you're not going to see the spot where you're going to land before you land it. You will have to guess where your lan...

How To: Lose belly fat at home with a sit-up routine

To do basic crunches the lady is lying on her back with her knees bent and feet on floor about a foot apart. Fingers are spread under her neck and head. She raises her chest and shoulders looking up and back down to the floor slowly, 14 times. Now, the left feet crosses over the right knee which is still down on the floor and shoulder to the opposite knee with a small range of motion 14 times. She reverses doing the same thing with opposite leg and opposite shoulder. Now, arms are extended un...

How To: Purl through the backloop

Purling through the back loop has never been easier now that this video has cleared up the confusion. Most standard knitting practices have you purl through the front, but when it calls for purling through the back this video describes in detail how to successfully complete the task. After watching this video, you will be able to follow step by step on purling through the back loop. When you purl through the back loop the fabric twists and creates a stronger fabric. Watch and learn first hand!

How To: Do upper back stretches

Limber up your back with exercises and stretches for your workout routine in this fitness video. Take action: to find an ideal position use a pole or handle, hold for 15 to 30 seconds while holding the pole lower to target lower back, and change grips. Tom Clifford, the instructor in this how-to video, has a degree in physical education, fitness and health from Eastern Michigan University, where he ran track and cross-country. Tom has worked as a personal trainer for two years. He also has a ...

How To: Do cat and camel sculpting yoga-inspired exercises

Cat and camel exercises are great for stretching and strengthening muscles of the back, especially the lower back. Learn how to do cat and camel exercises in this strength training video. Take action: get on hands and knees, arch back like cat, flexing abs, let the back sag, sticking out butt, holding each position for 3 seconds, and repeat for 5 reps. Tom Clifford, the instructor of this how-to video, has a degree in physical education, fitness and health from Eastern Michigan University, wh...

How To: Do back exercises using a stability ball

Also known as a Swiss ball or an exercise ball, this workout prop will help to tone your back muscles. Learn exercises and stretches for your workout routine in this fitness video. Take action: keep toes wide for stability, maintain balance, place hands on head and extend back until muscles pinch, don't hyperextend muscles, and exhale on upward motion. Tom Clifford, the instructor in this how-to video, has a degree in physical education, fitness and health from Eastern Michigan University, wh...

How To: Do back compound exercises

Work out multiple back muscles with compound exercises. Learn tips and techniques for working out the chest, back, shoulders, and arms in this free weightlifting video. Take action: grip handles on the outsides, cross legs, bring chin to top of the bar, and return slowly, but don't swing legs. Lance, the instructor in this how-to video, is certified personal trainer through American Fitness Association of America. He graduated from UNC with a biology degree and currently works for a gym. He s...

How To: Clean your laptop's keyboard by removing the keys

In this video DavidDaGeek shows how to clean your keyboard by removing your keys, but to be careful when doing this. Put your finger underneath a key and just pull it off. Don't break the piece that holds the key in place though! he starts at the shift key and works to the left with the ? being next. Then remove the hair or dust with your fingers. Don't remove them all at once because you might forget what order they go in. To put the key back in, put it in its spot, and click it back in. You...

How To: Tease your hair easily

In this tutorial, we learn how to tease your hair easily. First, brush your hair back and then grab the hair in the back of the crown of your head. Hair spray all of the hair and then comb it back against the growth, towards the root. After this you need to check to make sure it's enough volume. Your hair will stick up, but that's what you want it to do! After this, grab the hair behind this and do the same process. Continue to do this until you have achieved the look you want. To finish, sim...

How To: Make a soup bowl out of a coconut

In this video, we learn how to make a soup bowl out of a coconut. This will add a ton of flavor to soups or drinks! To do this, you will need to make a wide opening to the top of the coconut. Take a cleaver with a strong, thick, and heavy heel. Then, score through the husk with the cleaver, looking for any weak spots. After you have scored the wide opening, go back around until you break through the shell. Once you break through, use the back corner of the knife to pry back the top. Pull it b...

How To: Pierce your lip with a flat or round back

In this video, we learn how to pierce your lip with a flat or round back. First, purchase some flat backs from the store, don't use normal earrings because this will damage your skin. Flat backs don't hurt when you pierce them. To start, you will need to find the spot where you want to pierce, don't hit a vein. After this, use ice to numb the spot until you think that you are ready. Then, poke the needle through the hole after cleaning it off with alcohol. Make sure to clean the lip area when...

How To: Change the brake pads on a 2003 Honda Pilot

In this tutorial, we learn how to change the brake pads on a 2003 Honda Pilot. First, take off the bolts around the caliper on the rotor. Next, take your caliper straight off and rest it somewhere. Now remove your brake pads from the bracket using a screwdriver. Replace the old one with the new ones, then replace your rotor back into the car. Use your wrench to push all the bolts back onto the car properly. Also put the caliper back on, then double check that everything is bolted back in your...

How To: Use the I-cord bind off technique

In this tutorial, we learn how to use the I-cord bind off technique. First, you will need to cast on three additional stitches using the cable cast on. Once you have these cast on, you are going to knit two and then knit two together through the back loop. Then, take your three stitches from the right needle and put them back onto the left needle. Then, knit two, then knit two together through the back loop. Slide the stitches back onto the left needle and that's all you have to do. Repeat th...

How To: Cut layers into your hair

In this tutorial, we learn how to cut layers into hair: the basics. Start out with dry hair and brush it out thoroughly. After this, grab the back of the hair and use a small comb to comb out from the head. Hold the hair at an angle, then cut it diagonally. Continue to do this for the hair on the back of the head so you create a bunch of layers in the back. This is a short look, so you may have to cut a lot of hair off in the beginning to get to the top of the head. Create a bob on the front ...

How To: Replace the clutch shoes in RC Nitro Trucks or cars

In this tutorial, we learn how to replace the clutch shoes in RC Nitro Trucks or cars. First, stick a screwdriver through the back of the clutch and remove the bolt from the back. Now, you will see the clutch and a spring that is on the side of it. Take this out, then you will be able to replace the clutch shoes that are underneath it. After you have replaced the clutch shoes, put the spring back on. After this, replace the bolt and then screw back in any lose screws that you took out. After ...

How To: Recognize a backwards knitting stitch

In this tutorial, we learn how to recognize a backwards knitting stitch. Sometimes if you have to undo stitches, you may need to recognize where the stitches are so you can fix the problem. The front leg will be sitting in front of the one in the back when it's done correctly. If done backwards, you will be able to see the front leg in the back of the back leg. To fix this, you can simply take the stitch off, turn it around, and orient it correctly. Or, you can knit through the back loop to t...

How To: Back stitch when embroidering

This video tutorial belongs to the Arts & Crafts how category which is going to show you how to do back stitch when embroidering. This is really simple and easy to do and takes no time to learn. For starting, mark five dots on the cloth. Then you stitch from point 1 towards 5. First you pass the needle from under the cloth through point #1, pull up the thread and pass it down through point #2. Now pull the thread up through point #3 and pass it back down through point #2. Then you pull the th...

How To: Do a quick workout with super sets

In this tutorial, we learn how to do a quick workout with super sets. First exercise you can do is a squat to cable row. Use a resistance band to do this by placing it around a post or having someone hold it. Back up to build resistance, then plant your feet parallel and hip width apart. Squat down, then bring the elbows back as you go back up. After you do ten of these, immediately switch to a deadlift underhand row. Hold a dumbbell with your hands, then bring the weight down and bring it ba...

How To: Back-up and transfer your iPhone or iPod Touch apps

In this tutorial, we learn how to back up and transfer your iPhone or iPod touch apps. First, right click on the desktop and create a new folder, make the name of this "backup apps". Next, go into your iTunes account and go to the applications. Click on the app that you want to copy, then click "delete". Remove the item, then click "move to recycle bin". Now, go to your recycle bin and drag your application from the recycle bin into the "backup apps" folder. After you are on the computer you ...

How To: Sew a throw pillow

You hunt and you hunt, but you can never find the right pillows to go with you couch. Even your reupholstered chair needs a little pillow love, but it seems impossible to find the right color and design to make a perfect match. That's when you know it's up to you save the day. Why settle for simple decor when you can make your own chic throw pillow to match any room?

How To: Do a Yoga Twist to Release the Lower Back

Doing a low back relief exercise can make your body feel more relaxed, and stretch out your muscles. First, lay down on your back with your arms at a T, and cross your right leg over your left. Deep inhale and when you exhale, let your knees drop to your right. As you are doing this, turn your left pinky finger to the wall behind you. When you inhale, go back to your regular position. The left shoulder should stay down and the outer edge of the left foot should go up to the ceiling. Keep repe...

How To: Sync a Nintendo Wiimote to your Wii

Michael Weisner guides us through syncing a Wiimote with a Wii. You will need a Nintendo Wii and Nintendo Wii remote to do this. First, you will need to open the front hatch door on the console and you will see a red button, don't press it yet. Now, look at the back of your Wiimote and remove the backing from the remote. Now, you should see a red button on the lower right hand side of the controller. Now, go back to your console and press the red button on that, then press the red button loca...

How To: Do a yoga peaceful or reverse warrior pose

In this tutorial, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a beautiful peaceful reverse yoga pose. Begin in a strong warrior pose and bring your right palm facing up, then bring your back hand to the back of your leg so it's just lightly touching it. Lift into a back bend and gaze up into the air. Make sure to lift and don't straighten your front leg. Draw your navel in to lengthen your spine and remember to control your breathing. This is a great way to strengthen the legs and a gentle way to prepare...

How To: Deepen your yoga pigeon pose

In this tutorial, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a stretchy pigeon yoga pose. Make sure you properly warm up your body before attempting to do this pose. First, start off in a pigeon pose with your front foot as far forward as you can place it. Keep your back toes tucked under and lean forward with your elbows and forearms to the front on the ground. Inhale while sending the back heel back. Do this three times, and exhale while you go back in. Do this on both sides, then place the foot on th...