Year End Search Results

How To: Use a bias binder on a sewing machine

To use a bias binder on a sewing machine, cut end of bias tape at a diagonal. Feed tape into scroll of binder and pull out to back. Adjust binder and/or needle position so that needle pierces fabric approximately 1/16 inch from folded edge of bias tape. Stitch about 1 inch along bias tape. Insert edge of fabric to be bound between bias tape edges into slot of binder. Bias tape encloses raw edge during sewing. Use a bias binder on a sewing machine.

News: Low End Necklace

The Jackass crew are now jewelers. In this idea, you would have to get 8 jewels or stones or medallions, gumball size, and a very thick gaudy gold chain. The chain would be divided into 8 parts and cut. All at once, the Jackass guys would each swallow the jewel and their segment of the chain. In a day or so, or sooner with the help of laxatives, each guy would poop out the stone and the piece of the chain. As soon as all of the parts and pieces have been recovered from each guys poop, the cha...

News: Mumblety Peg

Google Mumblety Peg and you'll realize this is a real game our grandfathers played in the schoolyard. The object of the game is to throw a knife at the ground by your foot. Whoever gets closes wins. Sticking the knife in your foot also wins. One variation is to throw the knife at the other person's foot. This would be the jack-ass version and of course, it wouldn't end until a knife was stuck in someone's foot.

News: Poo Poo Carnival

I don't know what this ride is called, some sort of spinning carnival ride that we have all seen (see picture). So, the idea is to get access to some sort of spinning ride like this . . . only replace the swings with full port-o-potties. Each Jackass guy would get his own shitter, then the ride would be turned on and the doo doo would fly. END SCENE.

News: False Alarm

Have 2 people sleeping in 1 room across from each other, tie rope, or anything that won't rip too easily, to the end of the door knobs and oil up the floor, or put down mouse trap and tacks. Next sound of the fire alarm and make noise to make it sound like there really is a fire and have people walking around making it seem like people are leaving, having smoke go in the room of the 2 people who are the victims would be funnier. So when they believe that there really is a fire, they would try...

News: "Don't Be A Quitter"

Take a pack of someone’s cigarettes, and carefully remove partial contents from a few of them. In one, pull out some of the tobacco with tweezers, insert a “Pop-It” (make sure it is closer to the end without the filter) and reinsert the tobacco with tweezers. I can’t guarantee this method won’t blow someone’s face off, so try it on a dummy first. In the second cigarette, grind up a little sun-dried dog turd, and sprinkle it in before replacing the tobacco. In a third, put in a little wad of a...

News: The Revival

For this prank it will have to take place at a local church to where you will need to exchange the coffin for the actual funeral, to a coffin where one of your buddies is inside. Once the exchange is made it may be more comical to add decaying features to the person's face (makeup) so when the coffin is opened by the pastor they also get a sickening suprise. Once the coffin is opened your buddy inside needs to pretend he is dead by not moving or shifting whatsoever and do this for at least 5 ...

News: Operation Freak Out 1

Take something a friend hates ad/or fears with a passion, like snakes... fill his bed full of them, espcially a boa, whilst he's sleeping. Put shaving cream (or sperm) in said friend's hand before tickling his face with a feather so he'll smack himself with the creamed (or spermed) hand, waking up. Then you'll hear the sweet, sweet sounds of him screaming one he realizes there are snakes in his bed. Oh! And make sure to shake the bed to agitate the snakes a little ;) Thus ending Operation Fre...

News: the porta potty trick

first u wait till someone uses the porta potty then u put a wooden shed in front of it and put a table and chairs in it then when they get out they end up in an office meeting we will be sitting there disgised as business guys they will trip out

News: wagon hop

1 person gets into a wagon with rockets at the end of it then there will be a ramp and a shed in front of it the person will then set off the rockets and fly up the ramp over the shed an and land The Wagon jum

News: Chelsea, Chelsea, Gang-Bang

Working in cahoots with the producers of E! channel's 'Chelsea Lately'; the entire Jackass gang & myself secretly come to a taping of Chelsea Handler's show. Whiles she is doing the show with her round table guests, the producers kick in the 'Party Boy' song over the sound system & we all suddenly run onstage live NUDE and we surround her and start doing a Rockette-style line dance or whatever musical moves we choose. Mayhem ensues. After several moments of shear debauchery, at the conclusion...

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