Yearly Physical Search Results

News: What Are Superbugs? Everything You Need to Know About Antibiotic Resistance

Joe McKenna died when he was 30 years old. A young married man with his future ahead of him, he was cleaning up the station where he worked as a fireman. Struck by a piece of equipment fallen from a shelf, Joe complained of a sore shoulder. Over the next week, Joe worsened and ended up in the hospital. Chilled, feverish, and delirious, his organs shut down from an infection we'd now call septic shock.

How To: Create a Reusable Burner OS with Docker, Part 1: Making an Ubuntu Hacking Container

Containers are isolated software instances representing applications, servers, and even operating systems—complete with all of their dependencies, libraries configuration files, etc.—and they're taking over the corporate world. The ephemeral, portable nature of containers help them stay current and speedy, and they can work on pretty much any computer, virtual machine, and cloud.

User Testimonials: Why People Are Switching from iPhone to Pixel

Reading through various internet forums, it certainly sounds like the Google Pixel and Pixel XL are attracting more iPhone users than any of Google's previous Nexus devices. The sales figures seem to back that up, too, as the Pixel is outpacing last year's Nexus 6P, and pre-order demand has exceeded Google's expectations, causing delays in shipments. (We reached out to Google but they wouldn't give us any specifics on sales numbers or numbers of switchers.)

News: We're Very Close to the Dark Future of Deeply Augmented Reality in Black Mirror's 'Playtest'

Black Mirror, Netflix's technology-horror anthology, never fails to provide thought-provoking entertainment centered around emerging and futuristic technologies, and the third season's second episode, "Playtest," delves deep into the worlds of mixed, augmented, and virtual reality. While designed to leave you haunted by the end, offering a more "evil" narrative than we'll likely see in our actual future, the episode explores possibilities that aren't as far off as one might think.

News: 25 Cool New Things You Can Do with Android Nougat

Codenamed "Nougat" after the sugary stuff that fills your Snickers bar, Android 7.0 is living up to its name with tons of sweet features. There's almost too many changes over Marshmallow to cover in one go, with new functionality ranging from a revamped Doze Mode for battery saving, to split-screen apps, and even an easier update process. All told, the Nougat update has a lot in store for your phone or tablet.

How To: Sleep on Long Flights Like a Pro with These 13 Must-Know Tips

There's absolutely nothing comfortable about flying, unless you happen to be tiny enough to fit into the limited space offered on airplanes, or wealthy enough to afford a first-class ticket. And if you're about to embark on a long flight, catching a few Zs can feel like an impossible task. But it's definitely not impossible to get some quality sleep for a few hours, you just need to know how to use that limited space to your advantage.

Networking Foundations: Exploring UDP via Wireshark(Part 1)

Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm back with another informative(hopefully) article for you all. Once again I would like to apologize for my absence for about a week or so. I have some stuff going on with my life and university and I haven't found enough time to make a fully in-depth article. In this article I'm going to walk you through one of the main networking protocols when it comes to communication across the Internet between programs, aka UDP(User Datagram Protocol).

How To: Social Engineering - Total Guide

Good day to everyone, today I will present some basic and advanced concepts that targets sophisticated attacks on the social basis, also I will write about some steps that can prevent this attacks from occuring, basically we will examine Social Engineering from the angle of attacker and victim, some people who are interested in security and work for middle-sized companys can learn and use something interesting from this post.

How To: Cook Any Cuisine Perfectly by Knowing the Right Ingredients to Use, Part 1

Home cooks are often quite intimidated when trying to reproduce the delicious ethnic dishes they enjoy at various restaurants. Thankfully, there are definite flavor profiles and spice/seasoning/herb combos that are very specific to various regional cuisines and cultures; with a little guidance, you can create dishes that are tasty homages to the cuisines you love to eat. In this two-part article (second part here), I'll cover both categories and sub-categories of some of the most popular ethn...

No-Boil vs. Traditional Pasta: Should You Make the Switch?

We here at Food Hacks are all about saving you, our wonderful readers, time and trouble in the kitchen. So when I saw that Barilla had come out with their Pronto line of "One Pan, No Boil, No Drain" pasta, I had to give it a try. While no-boil lasagna noodles have been around for a while and allow the pasta to essentially cook en casserole, this relatively new addition to the pasta scene includes elbow, penne, spaghetti, and rotini varieties that allow for usage in a greater variety of pasta ...

How To: Web Development for Hackers 1.1: HTML,CSS,JS

hello hackers,newbies and followers of this great community, after some research here in our community, I noticed that there is not even one tutorial that teach Web Development. We have a lot of tutorials on how to hack web site but many do not know exactly how a web site is composed, then I decided, meeting the community's needs, begin to teach people how to develop web sites.

How To: Inside Bitcoin - Part 1 - Bitcoin and Anonymity

Over the past decade the Internet community has been witness to the rise of many new forms of online interaction. These new technologies have given rise to anonymous networks (like TOR), black markets within the deep web network (like the Silk Road), and even forms of digital currency, or more accurately crypto-currencies, such as Bitcoin. All of these technological advancements have contributed to securing users around the world and protecting their privacy. Therefore it is no surprise that ...

Hack Like a Pro: How to Evade AV Detection with Veil-Evasion

Welcome back, my greenhorn hackers! One of the most important issues any hacker must address is how to get past security devices and remain undetected. These can include antivirus software, intrusion detection systems, firewalls, web application firewalls, and numerous others. As nearly all of these devices employ a signature-based detection scheme where they maintain a database of known exploits and payload signatures, the key is to either:

How To: Use Social Engineering to Hack Computers

Today I am going to teach the various ways that you can use social engineering to hack a system. For those of you that have followed my past tutorials, you know that social engineering can unlock a world of possibilities. This is because no matter how many firewalls, no matter how many patches there are on a server, the password is kept in the minds of people...and people, are not as smart as computers.

News: Why Is Linux & Other Open-Source Software Free?

Welcome back, my greenhorn hackers! As hackers, we often take for granted that nearly all of our hacking tools and operating system are free and open source. I think it's important to examine a bit of background on how we arrived at this intriguing juncture in the history of computer software. After all, we pay for nearly all of our other software (Microsoft, Adobe, etc.) and nearly everything else we use in life, so how is it that Linux and all our hacking tools are free?

How To: Use Your Android's NFC Reader to Turn Your Computer On

NFC, or near-field communications, is a hardware feature that has been built into most Android phones for the last four years. It's essentially a low-power data connection that can be used to initiate a quick command by bringing your device within range of a compatible receiver, be it tap-and-pay with Google Wallet, a file transfer via Android Beam, or a Tasker profile triggered by a specific NFC tag.

Hack Like a Pro: Digital Forensics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 3 (Recovering Deleted Files)

Welcome back, my tenderfoot hackers! I recently began a new series on digital forensics to help tenderfoot hackers from being detected and ultimately, incarcerated. In this installment of that series, we will look at recovering deleted files. This is important to hackers because you need to know that even when you delete files on your computer or on the victim's computer, a forensic investigator can usually recover them.

News: Which Actor Is the Best Sherlock Holmes?

Sherlock Holmes is one of the most famous characters in modern history, and has appeared in film more often than any other character. No less than 78 different actors have taken their turn at portraying the enigmatic deduction machine in various mediums, and each has brought their own foibles to the role. Some of the names may even surprise you: Tom Baker, John Cleese, Peter Cushing, Charlton Heston, Christopher Lee, Roger Moore, and even Leonard Nimoy.